L. Weinhardt


Howard Pope, S. Kalichman, D. Cain, 2006, Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

S. Kalichman, E. Benotsch, L. Weinhardt, 2004, Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

S. Kalichman, E. Benotsch, L. Weinhardt, 2003, Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.

S. Kalichman, E. Benotsch, L. Weinhardt, 2002, Patient education and counseling.

Laura Glasman, L. Weinhardt, W. DiFranceisco, 2010, AIDS care.

P. Stevens, L. Weinhardt, L. Mkandawire-Valhmu, 2020, Journal of interpersonal violence.

J. Gold, A. Bellack, L. Weinhardt, 2001, Schizophrenia Research.

S. Kalichman, D. Cain, E. Benotsch, 2006, Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.

P. Stevens, L. Weinhardt, Hui Xie, 2020, International Journal for Equity in Health.

S. Kalichman, Laura Glasman, L. Bogart, 2011, African journal of AIDS research : AJAR.

R. Remien, M. Chesney, M. Rotheram-Borus, 2005, AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education.

Julia Lechuga, L. Weinhardt, G. Swain, 2011, Journal of women's health.

L. Weinhardt, 2005, Behavior modification.

M. Carey, L. Weinhardt, 2000, Archives of internal medicine.

P. Stevens, L. Weinhardt, L. Mkandawire-Valhmu, 2017, Health care for women international.

K. Carey, M. Carey, S. Maisto, 2001, Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

R. Goldstein, M. Rotheram-Borus, W. Pequegnat, 2005, The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice.

R. Remien, M. Chesney, M. Rotheram-Borus, 2004, Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes.

Wayne T. Steward, R. Remien, M. Chesney, 2005, Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes.

M. Carey, L. Weinhardt, 2000, Annual review of sex research.

R. Remien, R. Weiss, M. Chesney, 2010, Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors.

K. Carey, M. Carey, S. Maisto, 1998, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

S. Kalichman, L. Weinhardt, J. Austin, 2002, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Laura Glasman, L. Weinhardt, K. Hackl, 2011, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.

S. Kalichman, M. Carey, L. Weinhardt, 2015, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

S. Kalichman, D. Cain, A. Zweben, 2005, Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.

Alice F Yan, P. Stevens, Youfa Wang, 2015, American journal of health behavior.

Wayne T. Steward, R. Remien, M. Chesney, 2011, Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes.

S. Pinkerton, L. Weinhardt, L. Otto-Salaj, 2003, The journal of mental health policy and economics.

K. Carey, M. Carey, L. Weinhardt, 1997, Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.

Julia Lechuga, L. Weinhardt, G. Swain, 2012, Health promotion practice.

Julia Lechuga, L. Weinhardt, G. Swain, 2011, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

S. Kalichman, E. Benotsch, L. Weinhardt, 2002, AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education.

S. Kalichman, L. Weinhardt, S. C. Kalichman, 2001, Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.

K. Carey, M. Carey, L. Weinhardt, 1998, Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

K. Carey, M. Carey, L. Weinhardt, 2000, Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

S. Kalichman, Melissa M. Norberg, M. Brondino, 2002, Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors.

R. Remien, M. Chesney, R. Goldstein, 2006, American journal of community psychology.

S. Kalichman, Laura Glasman, L. Bogart, 2015, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

R. Goldstein, M. Rotheram-Borus, S. Morin, 2005, Drug and alcohol dependence.

S. Kalichman, M. Carey, L. Weinhardt, 2017, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

L. Weinhardt, L. Mkandawire-Valhmu, Peninnah M Kako, 2022, Public health nursing.