G. Monaco


K. Hämäläinen, S. Huotari, T. Pylkkänen, 2011, Nature materials.

J. van den Brink, K. Wohlfeld, M. Rossi, 2020, 2008.12921.

Stefano Mossa, Giulio Monaco, Stefano Mossa, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

L. Colangeli, V. Mennella, E. Bussoletti, 1995 .

G. Monaco, M. Sprung, F. Dallari, 2022, Physical Review B.

G. Monaco, G. Baldi, B. Ruta, 2019, Physical Review B.

Y. Chushkin, W. Kob, B. Rufflé, 2016, Scientific Reports.

G. Monaco, A. Chumakov, R. Rüffer, 2017, The Review of scientific instruments.

M. Mikolasek, G. Monaco, A. Chumakov, 2019, Scientific Reports.

M. Mezouar, W. Crichton, G. Monaco, 2003, Physical review letters.

J. Hastings, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, R. Sobierajski, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

T. Mizokawa, Y. Takano, G. Monaco, 2012, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

Y. Yue, K. Refson, L. Dubrovinsky, 2014, Physical review letters.

J. Brink, J. van den Brink, D. Khomskii, 2019, Science Advances.

H. Graafsma, C. Ponchut, G. Vankó, 2005, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, A. Cunsolo, 1999, Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics.

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, A. Cunsolo, 2005, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

P. Glatzel, V. Giordano, M. Hakala, 2014, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

M. M. Sala, A. Al-Zein, M. Krisch, 2014, Physical review letters.

F. Sette, M. Lorenzen, H. Requardt, 2008, The Review of scientific instruments.

G. Ruocco, T. Scopigno, F. Sette, 2003, Science.

Y. Chushkin, W. Kob, B. Rufflé, 2016, Scientific Reports.

Paweł T. Jochym, K. Parlinski, A. Hushur, 2011, Physical review letters.

F. Scarponi, D. Fioretto, G. Monaco, 2008 .

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, A. Cunsolo, 2005, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

C. Dalle-Ferrier, V. Giordano, G. Monaco, 2008, The Journal of chemical physics.

V. Giordano, A. Sakko, M. Hakala, 2010, The journal of physical chemistry. B.

M. M. Sala, S. Huotari, R. Verbeni, 2013, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

A. Fontana, L. Orsingher, G. Monaco, 2009, Physical review letters.

S. Corezzi, D. Fioretto, R. Verbeni, 2006 .

R. Fumagalli, M. Rossi, A. Al-Zein, 2019, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

J. Brink, J. van den Brink, S. Trebst, 2019, Physical Review Research.

G. Ruocco, T. Scopigno, F. Sette, 2002, Physical review letters.

V. Giordano, G. Monaco, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, A. Cunsolo, 2005, cond-mat/0512383.

Stefano Mossa, G. Ruocco, G. Monaco, 2001, cond-mat/0104265.

G. Ruocco, D. Fioretto, G. Monaco, 2001, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

M. M. Sala, R. Verbeni, G. Monaco, 2013 .

M. M. Sala, A. Al-Zein, F. Mila, 2015, 1506.04877.

G. Monaco, S. Boseggia, M. Moretti Sala, 2013, Physical review letters.

S. Collins, M. Hakala, K. Hämäläinen, 2015, Scientific Reports.

J. Hastings, A. Baron, G. Monaco, 2021, The journal of physical chemistry. B.

Guillaume Fiquet, James Badro, Giulio Monaco, 2003, Science.

S. Santucci, A. Matic, L. Börjesson, 2004, Physical review letters.

A. Matic, L. Börjesson, D. Engberg, 2007 .

S. Corezzi, F. Scarponi, D. Fioretto, 2008, The Journal of chemical physics.

B. Rufflé, G. Monaco, E. Courtens, 2005, Physical review letters.

L. Orsingher, G. Monaco, A. Chumakov, 2016 .

G. Grübel, G. Monaco, M. Sprung, 2020, Science Advances.

G. Monaco, A. Fontana, G. Baldi, 2020, 2011.10415.

J. Korecki, D. Fioretto, W. Crichton, 2006, Physical review letters.

Y. Yue, D. Fioretto, W. Crichton, 2006, Physical review letters.

A. Iadecola, A. Al-Zein, A. Palenzona, 2014, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

G. Ruocco, T. Scopigno, A. Giugni, 2004, The Journal of chemical physics.

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, A. Cunsolo, 2001 .

V. Giordano, G. Monaco, 2009, The Journal of chemical physics.

G. Ruocco, D. Kastrissios, S. Yannopoulos, 2002, cond-mat/0207030.

G. Vankó, S. Huotari, T. Pylkkänen, 2009, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

Guillaume Fiquet, James Badro, Giulio Monaco, 2004, Science.

Y. Chushkin, G. Monaco, G. Baldi, 2013, The Journal of chemical physics.

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, A. Cunsolo, 2001, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

G. Vankó, S. Huotari, R. Verbeni, 2007, Physical review letters.

K. Nelson, E. Pedersoli, M. Murnane, 2019, Science Advances.

J. Tse, D. Klug, S. Patchkovskii, 2008, Physical review letters.

C. Petrillo, A. Paciaroni, F. Sacchetti, 2014, The journal of physical chemistry letters.

G. Ruocco, V. Giordano, S. Yannopoulos, 2011, The journal of physical chemistry. B.

J. van den Brink, S. Trebst, A. Paramekanti, 2019, Physical Review B.

V. Olevano, S. Huotari, G. Monaco, 2010, 1011.1436.

Wilson A. Crichton, Mohamed Mezouar, Giulio Monaco, 2003, Powder Diffraction.

E. Pedersoli, N. Mahne, S. Di Mitri, 2016, Faraday discussions.

A. Sakko, M. Hakala, K. Hämäläinen, 2011, The journal of physical chemistry. B.

J. Inkinen, A. Sakko, M. Hakala, 2013, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

M. Mezouar, F. Scarponi, D. Fioretto, 2005, Physical review letters.

A. Giugni, G. Monaco, P. Benassi, 2017, The Journal of chemical physics.

K. Hämäläinen, J. Kas, S. Huotari, 2012, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

G. Aeppli, T. Ishikawa, R. Lindberg, 2019, 1903.09317.

K. Refson, V. Milman, G. Monaco, 2013, Physical review letters.

V. Giordano, F. Scarponi, D. Fioretto, 2012, The Journal of chemical physics.

V. Giordano, G. Monaco, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

G. Monaco, M. Sprung, M. Zanatta, 2023, Physical Review B.

V. Giordano, G. Monaco, G. Baldi, 2010, Physical review letters.

G. Ruocco, T. Scopigno, F. Sette, 1999 .

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, A. Cunsolo, 2002, Physical review letters.

G. Ruocco, T. Scopigno, F. Sette, 2000, Physical review letters.

M. Pitsikalis, N. Hadjichristidis, G. Fytas, 2004, The Journal of chemical physics.

G. Ruocco, D. Fioretto, F. Sette, 1999 .

G. Ruocco, T. Scopigno, R. Leonardo, 2004 .

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, M. Krisch, 1997 .

G. Ruocco, T. Scopigno, F. Sette, 2004, cond-mat/0402161.

V. Giordano, M. Krisch, G. Monaco, 2009, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

S. Santucci, F. Scarponi, D. Fioretto, 2009, The Journal of chemical physics.

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, R. Verbeni, 2002, Physical review letters.

S. Corezzi, D. Fioretto, R. Verbeni, 2006, Physical review letters.

M. Mikolasek, G. Monaco, A. Chumakov, 2021, Nature Communications.

J. Hastings, A. Baron, G. Monaco, 2020, Physical review letters.

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, A. Cunsolo, 2007, Physical review letters.

S. Huotari, R. Verbeni, G. Monaco, 2014, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

M. M. Sala, A. Al-Zein, D. McMorrow, 2015 .

S. Corezzi, D. Fioretto, R. Verbeni, 2005, Physical Review Letters.

F. Sacchetti, R. Brusa, S. Mariazzi, 2014, Physical review letters.

G. Ruocco, F. Sette, A. Cunsolo, 2007, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

Monaco, G. Monaco, M. Sprung, 2019, Condensed Matter Physics.

A. Al-Zein, M. Krisch, S. Huotari, 2014, Journal of synchrotron radiation.

J. Inkinen, A. Sakko, M. Hakala, 2013, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

M. Burghammer, J. Hastings, K. Tamasaku, 2023, Materialia.

M. Hakala, K. Hämäläinen, S. Huotari, 2013, The journal of physical chemistry. B.

G. Monaco, L. Angelani, S. Caponi, 2003, cond-mat/0305384.

S. Huotari, G. Monaco, C. Sternemann, 2007 .