M. Montagnat


H. Moulinec, P. Suquet, R. Lebensohn, 2014 .

L. Moreau, D. Marsan, J. Weiss, 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

G. Durand, M. Montagnat, P. Duval, 2009 .

O. Castelnau, O. Gagliardini, F. Gillet-Chaulet, 2005, Journal of Glaciology.

O. Gagliardini, M. Montagnat, Fabien Gillel-Chaulet, 2009 .

D. Mainprice, M. Montagnat, F. Barou, 2017 .

A. Tommasi, D. Mainprice, M. Montagnat, 2017 .

D. Dahl-Jensen, O. Gagliardini, G. Durand, 2009 .

P. Hagenmuller, D. Saletti, P. Forquin, 2021, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials.

P. Sammonds, M. Schneebeli, P. Bons, 2017, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

J. Weiss, M. Allard, M. Montagnat, 2013, Journal of Glaciology.

M. Montagnat, J. Blackford, S. Piazolo, 2008, Journal of microscopy.

P. Sammonds, M. Schneebeli, P. Bons, 2017, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

M. Montagnat, T. Bartels-Rausch, 2019, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.

D. Saletti, P. Forquin, M. Montagnat, 2019, International Journal of Impact Engineering.

G. Chambon, P. Hagenmuller, M. Montagnat, 2022, Journal of Glaciology.

G. Chambon, J. Gaume, M. Sandells, 2020, Frontiers in Earth Science.

Renald Brenner, Olivier Castelnau, O. Castelnau, 2008 .

A. Beaudoin, C. Fressengeas, V. Taupin, 2007, Physical review letters.

A. Maurel, F. Lund, M. Montagnat, 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

Paul Duval, Jacques Meyssonnier, J. Weiss, 2010, Journal of Glaciology.

V. Masson‐Delmotte, M. Frezzotti, F. Parrenin, 2010 .

M. Jessell, P. Bons, M. Montagnat, 2011, Journal of Glaciology.

A. Tommasi, C. Fressengeas, B. Beausir, 2015, Front. Earth Sci..

L. Ravanel, P. Deline, E. Trouvé, 2023, Journal of Glaciology.

E. Schulson, M. Montagnat, Erland M. Schulson, 2003, Journal of Glaciology.

L. Moreau, D. Marsan, M. Predoi, 2017, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

V. Masson‐Delmotte, M. Frezzotti, F. Parrenin, 2010 .

Martin Schneebeli, M. Schneebeli, M. Montagnat, 2013, Journal of Glaciology.

J. Weiss, M. Montagnat, D. Lavigne, 2011, Journal of Glaciology.

M. Montagnat, T. Chauve, V. Dansereau, 2024, Comptes Rendus. Mécanique.