A. Zvezdin


Xiao Li Zhu, J. Eiras, A. Zvezdin, 2022, Applied Physics Letters.

A. Kimel, A. Zvezdin, E. Mashkovich, 2021, Physical review letters.

E. Fullerton, T. Rasing, A. Kimel, 2020, Nature Communications.

K. Zvezdin, T. Rasing, A. Kimel, 2021, Moscow University Physics Bulletin.

A. Zvezdin, S. Solov'yov, N. A. Koritsky, 2020, 2020 Science and Artificial Intelligence conference (S.A.I.ence).

A. Zvezdin, S. Solov'yov, N. A. Koritsky, 2020, 2010.16237.

X. M. Chen, A. Zvezdin, Z. Gareeva, 2022, Physics of Metals and Metallography.

Anatoli I. Popov, A. Zvezdin, D. I. Plokhov, 2021, Physics of the Solid State.

M. Kuz’min, A. Zvezdin, I. Dubenko, 1991, 1008.1470.

A. I. Popov, K. Zvezdin, A. Popov, 2021, Physical Review B.

A. I. Popov, K. Zvezdin, A. Zvezdin, 2016, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.