D. Holshouser


Chad D. Lee, W. Wiebold, K. Thelen, 2017 .

J. Chandler, D. Holshouser, H. Ghosheh, 1996, Weed Science.

M. Reiter, R. Maguire, D. Holshouser, 2018, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.

Robert D. Grisso, Gary T. Roberson, Marcus M. Alley, 2011 .

D. Holshouser, 2009 .

Kenneth L. Smith, J. Chandler, D. Holshouser, 1993, Weed Technology.

I. Ciampitti, P. Prasad, R. Schwalbert, 2019, Agronomy Journal.

J. Chandler, D. Holshouser, H. R. Smith, 1991, Weed Technology.

Peter Kyveryga, James E. Specht, Mark A. Licht, 2019, Field Crops Research.

M. Flessner, D. Holshouser, Eric Scruggs, 2020 .

D. Holshouser, H. P. Wilson, Amro Ahmed, 2009 .

Kathleen M. Stadler, D. Holshouser, R. M. Bakhit, 2009 .

C. D. Lee, H. Kandel, E. G. Matcham, 2021, Agronomy Journal.

D. Holshouser, D. Herbert, S. Malone, 2002, Journal of economic entomology.

D. Holshouser, S. Nissen, G. Krishnan, 1998, Weed Technology.

Robert D. Grisso, Marcus M. Alley, Wade Everett Thomason, 2005 .