K. Loades


Chris Phillips, Alexia Stokes, Thierry Fourcaud, 2014, Plant and Soil.

M. Rivington, J. Yeluripati, A. Lilly, 2020 .

A. Bengough, D. Boldrin, K. Loades, 2022, Ecological Engineering.

P. Hallett, A. Bengough, T. Liang, 2018, Physical Modelling in Geotechnics.

A. Bengough, B. McKenzie, K. Loades, 2016, Journal of experimental botany.

B. Nicoll, A. Bengough, K. Loades, 2018, Physical Modelling in Geotechnics.

J. Lynch, K. Loades, J. Chimungu, 2015, Journal of experimental botany.

B. Nicoll, A. Bengough, J. Knappett, 2018, Canadian geotechnical journal (Print).

A. Bengough, D. Boldrin, K. Loades, 2021, Plant and Soil.

D. Luthe, K. Brown, K. Loades, 2017, Journal of Chemical Ecology.

J. Gareth Polhill, M. Rivington, P. Burgess, 2021, Nutrition bulletin.

Paul D. Hallett, Mark Fraser Bransby, A. G. Bengough, 2010 .

Dorien J. Vanhees, S. Mooney, M. Bennett, 2021, Plant, cell & environment.

Dorien J. Vanhees, S. Mooney, J. Lynch, 2020, Journal of experimental botany.

M. F. Bransby, P. Hallett, A. Bengough, 2015 .

E. Kolb, A. Bengough, A. D. Martins, 2019, The New phytologist.

K. Loades, Licida M. Giuliani, Paul D. Hallett, 2024, Soil and Tillage Research.

D. Luthe, K. Brown, K. Loades, 2017, Journal of Chemical Ecology.