N. T. Nzussouo


M. Widdowson, S. Lindstrom, B. Oyofo, 2012, The Journal of infectious diseases.

D. Coulibaly, N. T. Nzussouo, H. Kadjo, 2012, Influenza and other respiratory viruses.

D. Coulibaly, A. K. N’gattia, N. T. Nzussouo, 2013, Journal of infection in developing countries.

M. Thompson, D. Coulibaly, N. T. Nzussouo, 2013, African journal of infectious diseases.

M. Adjabeng, B. Oyofo, C. Lindan, 2012, The Journal of infectious diseases.

J. Héraud, Juno Thomas, R. Heyderman, 2015, The Journal of infectious diseases.