B. Barbuy


J. Cuby, J. Dunlop, P. Petitjean, 2013, 1303.0029.

Y. Mellier, O. Fèvre, J. Cuby, 2015, 1501.04726.

R. A. P. Oliveira, D. Nardiello, S. Ortolani, 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2001, Nature.

B. Barbuy, J. Meléndez, 2009, 0901.4451.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2007, 0709.3315.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2006, astro-ph/0603394.

M. Trevisan, B. Barbuy, T. Moura, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal.

J. Anderson, G. Piotto, D. Nardiello, 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

T. Beers, T. Sivarani, P. François, 2006, astro-ph/0608112.

B. Quint, F. Maia, D. Sanmartim, 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

B. Santiago, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2002 .

D. Lee, A. Kanaan, K. Taylor, 2003 .

G. Bruzual, A. Weiss, S. Charlot, 2006, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

M. Trevisan, B. Barbuy, 2014, 1409.3543.

R. Rich, L. Pasquini, S. Ortolani, 2005 .

B. Barbuy, B. Castilho, M. Spite, 1999 .

N. Mowlavi, P. North, C. Charbonnel, 2008, 0810.1701.

R. Schiavon, G. Bruzual, B. Barbuy, 1999, astro-ph/9910274.

S. D. Anjos, R. E. Souza, B. Barbuy, 1993 .

B. Barbuy, A. Milone, M. Erdelyi-Mendes, 1992 .

B. Barbuy, 1989 .

B. Barbuy, C. Siqueira-Mello, 2014 .

Harinder P. Singh, T. Beers, C. Chiappini, 2021, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

T. Beers, D. Bizyaev, C. Chiappini, 2021, The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

T. Beers, C. M. Bidin, S. Villanova, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2005 .

B. Barbuy, B. Castilho, M. Spite, 1998 .

S. Ortolani, D. Minniti, A. Renzini, 2009, 0907.4372.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2006, astro-ph/0603394.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2005, astro-ph/0511608.

G. Carraro, S. Ortolani, S. Covino, 2002, astro-ph/0205498.

S. Ortolani, D. Minniti, A. Renzini, 2006, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

A. Grazian, K. Cunha, P. Noterdaeme, 2022, Experimental Astronomy.

A. Vazdekis, B. Barbuy, R. D. de Carvalho, 2006, astro-ph/0609488.

J. Pacheco, B. Barbuy, T. Idiart, 2002 .

D. Bersier, V. Panchuk, B. Barbuy, 2001, astro-ph/0112525.

M. Grenon, B. Barbuy, B. Castilho, 2002, astro-ph/0201472.

C. Chiappini, G. Stasińska, B. Barbuy, 2008, 0812.0558.

C. Chiappini, G. Meynet, R. Hirschi, 2011, Nature.

R. Gratton, P. Bonifacio, L. Pasquini, 2009, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

R. Gratton, P. Bonifacio, L. Pasquini, 2009, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

S. Ortolani, M. Zoccali, B. Barbuy, 2003, astro-ph/0306608.

Santiago, Garching, Nordic Optical Telescope, 2006, astro-ph/0610245.

R. Schiavon, S. Ortolani, G. Bruzual, 1997 .

C. Chiappini, F. Durret, G. Meynet, 2012, Oxygen in the Universe.

D. M. Allen, B. Barbuy, 2006, astro-ph/0604036.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2013 .

S. Ortolani, I. Saviane, M. Gullieuszik, 2017, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

R. Rich, L. Pasquini, S. Ortolani, 2004, astro-ph/0405475.

R. Schiavon, B. Barbuy, P. D. Singh, 1997, astro-ph/9701186.

P. Bonifacio, É. Depagne, B. Barbuy, 2003 .

A. Maeder, B. Barbuy, J. D. Medeiros, 2005, astro-ph/0511329.

R. Schiavon, M. Perrin, S. Ortolani, 2001, astro-ph/0107219.

M. D. Guarnieri, S. Ortolani, A. Renzini, 1997 .

B. Barbuy, S. Rossi, P. Benevides-Soares, 1991 .

S. Ortolani, D. Minniti, A. Renzini, 2013, 1310.4108.

D. M. Allen, B. Barbuy, A. Alves-Brito, 2006, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

B. Barbuy, B. Castilho, M. Spite, 2000 .

B. Barbuy, 2016, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia.

S. Ortolani, M. Asplund, D. Minniti, 2008, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

T. Beers, T. Sivarani, P. François, 2011, 1101.2207.

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2001, Nature.

C. Chiappini, F. Durret, G. Meynet, 2012 .

N. Mowlavi, P. North, C. Charbonnel, 2006, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

C. Chiappini, O. Gerhard, B. Barbuy, 2018, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 1998 .

R. A. P. Oliveira, B. Quint, D. Geisler, 2021, 2103.02600.

B. Barbuy, B. Castilho, M. Spite, 2000 .

T. Beers, B. Nordström, B. Barbuy, 1997 .

B. Barbuy, B. Castilho, J. Gregorio-Hetem, 1995 .

Sergio Ortolani, Beatriz Barbuy, Charles Bonatto, 2005, astro-ph/0511788.

C. Babusiaux, V. Hill, S. Ortolani, 2011, 1107.5199.

B. Barbuy, 2007, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2008, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

J. Cuby, J. Dunlop, P. Petitjean, 2013, 1303.0029.

C. Chiappini, G. Meynet, R. Hirschi, 2011, Nature.

C. Chiappini, F. Durret, G. Meynet, 2012 .

Sergio Ortolani, Robert Greimel, M. Correnti, 2012 .

A. Renzini, B. Barbuy, 1992 .

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2014, 1404.0234.

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2007, 0709.3454.

Beatriz Barbuy, Jorge Melendez, B. Barbuy, 1999, astro-ph/9908296.

N. A. Walton, D. Katz, R. Ibata, 2017, 1706.03778.

Chris D. Miller, S. Cristiani, H. Dekker, 2022, Experimental Astronomy.

P. Petitjean, B. Delabre, R. Reiss, 2014 .

B. Barbuy, 2018, Science.

R. Schiavon, B. Barbuy, J. Gregorio-Hetem, 1993 .

B. Barbuy, J. Trevisan, A. D. de Almeida, 2018, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia.

S. Cristiani, P. D. Marcantonio, G. Cupani, 2020, 2102.02205.

T. Beers, D. Geisler, S. Villanova, 2022, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Beatriz Barbuy, G. Mathys, A. Renzini, 2000 .

B. Quint, D. Geisler, F. Maia, 2019, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2006 .

M. Catelán, T. Beers, S. Majewski, 2021, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

D. M. Allen, B. Barbuy, A. Friaça, 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

J. Ferguson, G. Bruzual, A. Weiss, 2007, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

M. Grenon, B. Barbuy, B. Gustafsson, 2006, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

U. S. Paulo, P. Coelho, B. Barbuy, 2009, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

Sergio Ortolani, Beatriz Barbuy, S. Ortolani, 2005 .

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2015, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia.

S. Ortolani, D. Minniti, M. Zoccali, 2015, 1511.03919.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2015, 1504.01743.

B. Santiago, E. Balbinot, B. Barbuy, 2010, 1002.0805.

M. Puech, C. J. Evans, K. Disseau, 2018, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

M. Puech, K. Disseau, L. Kaper, 2014, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation.

Belgium, Brazil., -INAF, 2012, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

D. Nardiello, S. Ortolani, I. Saviane, 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2007, 0708.0501.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2006, astro-ph/0606718.

S. Ortolani, M. Asplund, D. Minniti, 2009, 0910.0448.

L. Muniz, S. Ortolani, I. Saviane, 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

S. Ortolani, D. Minniti, A. Renzini, 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

C. Chiappini, S. Ortolani, D. Minniti, 2014, 1408.2438.

R. Schiavon, B. Barbuy, B. Castilho, 2008, 0806.2629.

S. Ortolani, D. Minniti, A. Renzini, 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2009 .

B. Barbuy, J. Meléndez, F. Spite, 2001 .

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2006 .

Astronomy, Gepi, Nordic Optical Telescope, 2008, 0801.1293.

T. Beers, D. Geisler, S. Villanova, 2021, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2005, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

R. Rich, L. Pasquini, S. Ortolani, 2006, astro-ph/0609128.

A. Maeder, B. Barbuy, J. R. Medeiros, 1996 .

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2004 .

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 1992 .

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2009, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

B. Barbuy, 1988 .

T. Beers, J. Andersen, B. Nordström, 1995 .

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2003, astro-ph/0311082.

J. Ferguson, G. Bruzual, A. Weiss, 2007, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

S. Ortolani, D. Minniti, A. Renzini, 2006, astro-ph/0610346.

M. Trevisan, B. Barbuy, T. Moura, 2020 .

S. Ortolani, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, 2018, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia.

Sergio Ortolani, Bruno Dias, Beatriz Barbuy, 2013 .

T. Beers, D. Geisler, S. Villanova, 2021, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Anthony G. A. Brown, Sergey E. Koposov, B. Gibson, 2012 .

R. Schiavon, B. Barbuy, S. Rossi, 1996, astro-ph/9610243.

Anthony G. A. Brown, Sergey E. Koposov, B. Gibson, 2012 .

M. Grenon, M. Trevisan, B. Barbuy, 2009, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

M. Catelán, T. Beers, J. Brownstein, 2021, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

J. Vernet, Bernard Delabre, Harald Kuntschner, 2014, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation.

N. Mowlavi, P. North, C. Charbonnel, 2008, 0810.1701.

A. Renzini, M. Zoccali, B. Barbuy, 2006, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

T. Beers, P. François, P. Bonifacio, 2010, 1012.4358.

S. Ortolani, D. Minniti, A. Renzini, 2009, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

S. Ortolani, D. Minniti, J. Mel'endez, 2021, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

A. Kelz, I. Guinouard, M. Puech, 2018, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.