G. Majno


G. Majno, S. M. Shea, M. Leventhal, 1969, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, G Majno, 1995, The American journal of pathology.

T Zand, A H Hoffman, B J Savilonis, 1991, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, 1981, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, T. Zand, 1985, Human pathology.

G. Majno, J. Remensnyder, J. P. Remensnyder, 1968, The American journal of pathology.

M. Karnovsky, G. Majno, E. Gasteiger, 1958, Journal of neurochemistry.

G. Majno, K. Willms-Kretschmer, Guido Majno, 1969, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, J. Bhawan, 1989, The American Journal of dermatopathology.

B. Hirschel, G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, 1972, The Journal of experimental medicine.

G. Majno, I. Joris, R. Langer, 1987, The American journal of pathology.

G. Doern, G. Majno, I. Joris, 1990, The American journal of pathology.

G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, 2004, Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie.

G. Majno, I. Joris, H. Cuénoud, 1992 .

E. Corey, R. Lewis, G. Majno, 1987, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, G. Ryan, I. Joris, 1972, Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology.

R. Cotran, G. Majno, 1964, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

G. Majno, 1982, Monographs in pathology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, M. Billingham, 1998, Cardiovascular pathology : the official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology.

H. Yang, R. Welsh, G. Majno, 1985, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, E. Suter, 1965, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Palade, G. Majno, 1961, The Journal of biophysical and biochemical cytology.

J. Desemone, G. Majno, J. Mordes, 1987, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, Isabelle Joris, 1974, Virchows Archiv A.

G. Majno, I. Joris, P. Braunstein, 1980, The American journal of pathology.

R. Cotran, G. Majno, N. Kaufman, 1982 .

G. Gabbiani, R. Lattes, G. Majno, 1971, Cancer.

G. Majno, H. Norris, 1967, Lancet.

G. Majno, I. Joris, E. Stetz, 1979 .

G. Majno, I. Joris, E. Stetz, 1979, Virchows Archiv A.

G. Majno, I. Joris, J. Bhawan, 1979, The American journal of pathology.

H. T. Norris, G. Majno, 1968, The American journal of pathology.

M. Kowala, R. Nicolosi, G. Majno, 1988, Experimental and molecular pathology.

G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, M. Badonnel, 1970, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine.

G. Majno, 1998, The American journal of pathology.

M. L. Karnovsky, G. Majno, 1958, The Journal of experimental medicine.

M. Kowada, A. Ames, G. Majno, 1968, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, U. Degirolami, I. Joris, 1977, The American journal of pathology.

M. Kowala, G. Majno, I. Joris, 1986, Experimental and molecular pathology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, T. Zand, 2004, Virchows Archiv A.

G. Majno, G. Ryan, J. Grobéty, 1971, The American journal of pathology.

B. Hirschel, G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, 1971, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine.

R. Cotran, G. Majno, M. LaGattuta, 1965, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, H. Cuénoud, 1978, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, 1979, The American journal of surgical pathology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, C. Moyer, 1988, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology.

M. Weibel, G. Majno, 1973, American journal of surgery.

G. Majno, G. Ryan, J. Grobéty, 1973, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, M. Gattuta, Dr. T. E. Thompson, 2004, Virchows Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medizin.

M. Kowada, A. Ames, G. Majno, 1968, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, J. Bhawan, 1980, Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine.

G. Majno, C. Rouiller, 1951, Virchows Archiv für Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für Klinische Medizin.

B. Hirschel, G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, 1971, Science.

E. Rutishauser, G. Majno, 1951, Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases.

G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, 1972, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, G. Ryan, 1977, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, 1981, The American journal of pathology.

G. Palade, G. Schoefl, G. Majno, 1961, The Journal of biophysical and biochemical cytology.

G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, G. Ryan, 1974, Human pathology.

G. Majno, U. Degirolami, I. Joris, 1982, Stain technology.

G. Majno, P. Strock, 1969, Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics.

G. Majno, I. Joris, 1978, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, T. Zand, 1982, The American journal of pathology.

G. Majno, P. Strock, Strock Pe, 1969, Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics.

G. Majno, 1991, The Journal of infectious diseases.

M. Karnovsky, G. Majno, M. Karnovsky, 1961, Journal of neurochemistry.

G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, G. Ryan, 1977, Thrombosis and haemostasis.

G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, G. Ryan, 1973, Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.

G. Majno, I. Joris, J. Nunnari, 1989, Experimental and molecular pathology.

G. Majno, M. Leventhal, V. Gilmore, 1967, Circulation research.

G. Majno, B. Bouchardy, 1974, The American journal of pathology.

J. D. Mack, G. Majno, D. Butterfield, 1963, The New England journal of medicine.

R. Cotran, G. Majno, E. Suter, 1967, Vascular diseases.

G. Majno, I. Joris, 1978, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

B. Woda, R. Kerschmann, G. Majno, 2015, Perspectives in biology and medicine.

G. Majno, I. Joris, 1979, Reviews of infectious diseases.

G. Majno, G. Ryan, D. Montandon, 1973, Plastic and reconstructive surgery.

M. L. Karnovsky, G. Majno, Guido Majno, 1958, The Journal of experimental medicine.

G. Majno, I. Joris, Carl A. Isabelle Guido Boswell, 2015, Perspectives in biology and medicine.

B. MacWilliams, G. Majno, I. Joris, 1988, The American journal of pathology.

A. Ames, G. Majno, R. Wright, 1967 .

G. Majno, C ROUILLER, G MAJNO, 1953, Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur allgemeinen Pathologie.

G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, M. Badonnel, 1972, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine.

G. Gabbiani, G. Majno, G. Ryan, 1972, Thrombosis and Haemostasis.

G. Majno, U. Degirolami, I. Joris, 1983, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology.

G. Majno, Guido Majno, 1991 .

G. Majno, I. Joris, J. Nunnari, 1982, Virchows Archiv A.

G. Majno, I. Joris, P. Braunstein, 1980, Experimental and molecular pathology.

G. Palade, G. Schoefl, G. Majno, 1961, The Journal of biophysical and biochemical cytology.

M. Karnovsky, G. Majno, 1958, Neurology.

G. Majno, 1992, Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc.

G. Majno, I. Joris, C. Moyer, 1988, In vitro cellular & developmental biology : journal of the Tissue Culture Association.