A. Sheerin


R. Faragher, D. Kipling, A. Sheerin, 2007, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

R. Faragher, A. Sheerin, E. Ostler, 2009, Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine.

R. Faragher, A. Sheerin, E. Ostler, 2015, Chemistry Central Journal.

R. Faragher, Christopher J. Jones, D. Kipling, 2004, Experimental Gerontology.

A. Sheerin, E. Ostler, C. Wallis, 2002, Experimental Gerontology.

A. Sheerin, M. Goyns, K. Thompson, 2001, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development.

A. Sheerin, D. Burton, J. Lowe, 2004, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

L. Bird, R. Faragher, A. Sheerin, 2016, Experimental Gerontology.