G. Rowe


G. Rowe, 1983 .

R. E. Turner, N. Rabalais, Q. Dortch, 1994 .

Chih‐Lin Wei, G. Rowe, M. Wicksten, 2012, Marine pollution bulletin.

J. Deming, A. Khripounoff, G. Rowe, 1990 .

P. Falkowski, H. Ducklow, T. Whitledge, 1986, Nature.

A. H. Eliason, J. Teal, K. Smith, 1976 .

M. Hess, G. Rowe, L. Eaton, 1984, Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology.

R. Haedrich, G. Rowe, 1977, Nature.

M. Student, G. Rowe, Ligita Kuklyte, 2012 .

A. Texas, E. Escobar-Briones, Chih‐Lin Wei, 2010 .

T. Wade, G. Rowe, Yousria Soliman, 2017, Marine pollution bulletin.

P. Falkowski, Sharon L. Smith, T. Whitledge, 1988 .

D. Hala, G. Rowe, Clifton C. Nunnally, 2020, Marine pollution bulletin.

W. Rogers, J. Bickham, G. Rowe, 1998, Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology.

G. Rowe, Gilbert T. Rowe, 2001, Journal of environmental quality.

F. Manheim, G. Rowe, D. Jipa, 1975 .

J. Morse, G. Rowe, Clifton C. Nunnally, 2008 .

R. Young, G. Rowe, C. H. Clifford, 1978 .

J. Walsh, R. Iverson, C. Mcroy, 1981, Nature.

G. Rowe, R. Menzies, A. D. McIntyre, 1973 .

R. Haedrich, G. Rowe, P. Polloni, 1979 .

R. Haedrich, G. Rowe, L. S. Murphy, 1976 .

G. H. Keller, G. Rowe, N. Starešinić, 1973, Science.

G. Rowe, R. Menzies, R. George, 1968, Nature.

L. Levin, G. Poore, A. Vanreusel, 2010 .

Daniel O.B. Jones, Kenneth L. Smith, Michael F. Vardaro, 2013 .

E. Marian Scott, Michael F. Vardaro, Brian J. Bett, 2020, The Journal of animal ecology.

Chih‐Lin Wei, G. Rowe, 2019, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.

C. Elferink, T. Penning, G. Rowe, 2018, New solutions : a journal of environmental and occupational health policy : NS.