Wesley Kaufmann


Barry Bozeman, Gabel Taggart, Wesley Kaufmann, 2018, Public Performance & Management Review.

Erin L. Borry, Leisha DeHart‐Davis, Wesley Kaufmann, 2018, Public Administration Review.

Richard F.J. Haans, Wesley Kaufmann, 2020, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.

Paula M. G. van Veen-Dirks, M. Leliveld, Wesley Kaufmann, 2021, Journal of Management Control.

Mary K. Feeney, Wesley Kaufmann, Reggy Hooghiemstra, 2018 .

Wesley Kaufmann, Anne Lafarre, 2020, International Public Management Journal.

Lars Tummers, Erin L. Borry, Leisha DeHart-Davis, 2016 .

Wesley Kaufmann, Paula M. G. van Veen-Dirks, Marijke C. Leliveld, 2021, Journal of Management Control.

Wesley Kaufmann, A. Ingrams, D. Jacobs, 2022, Inf. Polity.

Wesley Kaufmann, A. Ingrams, D. Jacobs, 2021, Policy & Internet.

A. Witteloostuijn, C. Boone, Wesley Kaufmann, 2009 .

Erin L. Borry, Leisha DeHart‐Davis, Wesley Kaufmann, 2022, Public Management Review.