H. Dubbink


Bjoern H Menze, Amber L. Simpson, James F. Gimpel, 2022, Nature Communications.

Adriaan B. Houtsmuller, Pernette J. Verschure, Martin E. van Royen, 2007, The Journal of cell biology.

Johan M. Kros, Pim J. French, Hendrikus J. Dubbink, 2018, Acta Neuropathologica Communications.

E. Kuipers, E. Steyerberg, A. V. D. van den Ouweland, 2012, The Journal of pathology.

C. Hoogenraad, M. J. van den Bent, W. Dinjens, 2010, Human mutation.

E. Steyerberg, A. V. D. van den Ouweland, A. Wagner, 2016, Gynecologic oncology.

E. Kuipers, E. Steyerberg, A. V. D. van den Ouweland, 2012, Gynecologic oncology.

T. H. van der Kwast, F. Schröder, J. Romijn, 1999, Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.

J. Aerts, A. Wagner, W. Dinjens, 2018, JCO precision oncology.

S. Klein, M. J. van den Bent, W. Dinjens, 2019, Neuro-oncology advances.

E. Kuipers, E. Steyerberg, A. V. D. van den Ouweland, 2016, Genetics in Medicine.

J. Aerts, W. Dinjens, C. H. van der Leest, 2020, Cancers.

A. Wagner, W. Dinjens, H. Dubbink, 2015, The American Journal of Gastroenterology.

A. Wagner, W. Dinjens, H. Dubbink, 2015, Gastrointestinal endoscopy.

W. Hop, W. Dinjens, M. D. den Bakker, 2010, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

E. Bongers, R. Wolthuis, H. Meijers-Heijboer, 2022, Molecular genetics & genomic medicine.

Bjoern H Menze, Amber L. Simpson, James F. Gimpel, 2022, Nature Communications.

Guido Jenster, Hendrikus J Dubbink, Scott J Lusher, 2009, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

M. J. van den Bent, P. French, H. Dubbink, 2011, The Lancet. Oncology.

G. Jenster, J. Trapman, H. Dubbink, 2012, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.

K. Aldape, M. Sanson, M. Bent, 2013, Journal of Neuro-Oncology.

Guido Jenster, Job van Riet, Niels M G Krol, 2018, The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD.

M. J. van den Bent, W. Dinjens, P. French, 2018, Acta neuropathologica communications.

J. L. Costa, F. Rojo, R. Yacobi, 2018, The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD.

M. J. van den Bent, W. Niessen, P. C. de Witt Hamer, 2022, Neuro-oncology.

M. J. van den Bent, M. Taphoorn, A. Brandes, 2009, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

E. Kuipers, E. Steyerberg, A. V. D. van den Ouweland, 2014, The Journal of pathology.

H. Dubbink, T. V. van Ham, M. Spaander, 2022, HGG advances.

J. H. von der Thüsen, H. Dubbink, M. Pruis, 2020, Annals of translational medicine.

W. Dinjens, E. Zwarthoff, H. V. D. van de Werken, 2020, International journal of cancer.

E. Kuipers, E. Steyerberg, A. Wagner, 2009, Journal of cellular and molecular medicine.

J. Trapman, H. Dubbink, 2007, Best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism.

M. J. van den Bent, P. Riegman, W. Dinjens, 2016, The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD.

N. de Wind, T. Sixma, Hellen Houlleberghs, 2023, Nucleic acids research.

A. Hoischen, E. Cuppen, B. Ylstra, 2021, The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD.

Stef van Lieshout, A. Hoischen, E. Cuppen, 2020, medRxiv.

B. Beverloo, N. Naus, A. de Klein, 2017, Ophthalmology.

B. Beverloo, N. Naus, A. de Klein, 2016, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

J. H. von der Thüsen, H. Dubbink, R. Cornelissen, 2020, Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.

W. Dinjens, K. Biermann, P. Ewing-Graham, 2019, Pathology, research and practice.

A. V. D. van den Ouweland, A. Wagner, W. Dinjens, 2012, European journal of cancer.

N. Naus, A. de Klein, R. Verdijk, 2021, International journal of molecular sciences.

M. J. van den Bent, W. Dinjens, J. Kros, 2022 .

W. Dinjens, H. Metselaar, J. Verheij, 2012, Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation.

S. Verhoef, R. Hofstra, Hellen Houlleberghs, 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Chandra S Verma, Hendrikus J Dubbink, Jan Trapman, 2004, Molecular endocrinology.

N. Verkaik, J. Romijn, H. Dubbink, 1996, The Biochemical journal.

E. Smit, J. Aerts, A. Dingemans, 2022, Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.

Hendrikus J Dubbink, Jan Trapman, Bart Geverts, 2004, Journal of structural biology.

A. Wagner, W. Dinjens, H. V. van Doorn, 2021, Cancers.

W. Dinjens, H. Dubbink, P. Atmodimedjo, 2015, Virchows Archiv.

H. Dubbink, Willemina R Geurts-Giele, Teodora Radonic, 2021, Journal of Thoracic Oncology.

P. Wesseling, B. Lissenberg-Witte, P. French, 2023, Journal of Neuro-Oncology.

N. Naus, R. Verdijk, H. Dubbink, 2023, International journal of molecular sciences.

A. Houtsmuller, A. Nigg, J. Trapman, 2007, The Journal of cell biology.