L. Blanchet


S. Capozziello, P. Jetzer, F. Sorrentino, 2014, 1404.4307.

Peter Wolf, Christophe Salomon, Luc Blanchet, 2000, gr-qc/0010108.

Davide Calonico, Markus Rothacher, Claus Braxmaier, 2019, Experimental Astronomy.

L. Blanchet, 2018, International Journal of Modern Physics D.

C. Will, L. Blanchet, M. Qusailah, 2005, astro-ph/0507692.

S. Reynaud, C. Salomon, C. Bordé, 2011 .

L. Heisenberg, L. Blanchet, Lavinia Heisenberg, 2015, 1504.00870.

L. Blanchet, L. Bernard, G. Faye, 2017 .

L. Blanchet, G. Faye, Franccois Larrouturou, 2022, Classical and Quantum Gravity.

L. Blanchet, 2001, gr-qc/0108086.

L. Blanchet, S. Kopeikin, G. Schāfer, 2000, gr-qc/0008074.

L. Blanchet, 2000, gr-qc/0004012.

L. Blanchet, 1997, gr-qc/9710038.

S. Marsat, L. Blanchet, G. Faye, 2020, Classical and Quantum Gravity.

A. Buonanno, L. Blanchet, G. Faye, 2006, gr-qc/0605140.

B. Whiting, L. Blanchet, A. Spallicci, 2011 .

L. Blanchet, 1996, gr-qc/9607025.

A. Buonanno, L. Blanchet, G. Faye, 2006, gr-qc/0605140.

A. Buonanno, L. Blanchet, A. L. Tiec, 2012, 1211.1060.

L. Blanchet, G. Faye, François Larrouturou, 2022, Classical and Quantum Gravity.

L. Heisenberg, L. Blanchet, Lavinia Heisenberg, 2017, 1701.07747.

C. cohen-tannoudji, S. Reynaud, C. Salomon, 2010, Nature.

L. Blanchet, 1997, gr-qc/9710037.

L. Blanchet, 1987, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

L. Blanchet, G. Faye, 2000, gr-qc/0004008.

L. Blanchet, R. Oliveri, G. Compère, 2020, Journal of High Energy Physics.

L. Blanchet, 2009, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

B. Whiting, L. Blanchet, G. Faye, 2015, 1507.01720.

L. Blanchet, 2003, gr-qc/0304014.

L. Blanchet, L. Grishchuk, G. Schaefer, 2007, gr-qc/0703034.

L. Blanchet, L. Bernard, 2014, 1403.5963.

S. Marsat, L. Blanchet, D. Langlois, 2013, 1312.6991.

S. Marsat, L. Blanchet, 2012, 1205.0400.

Luc Blanchet, L. Blanchet, 2002, Living reviews in relativity.

L. Blanchet, L. Bernard, D. Trestini, 2022, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.

S. Nissanke, L. Blanchet, G. Faye, 2005, gr-qc/0503075.

L. Blanchet, 2006, gr-qc/0609121.

L. Blanchet, A. L. Tiec, 2009, 0901.3114.

Andrea Bertoldi, Philippe Bouyer, Markus Rothacher, 2019, Experimental Astronomy.

C. cohen-tannoudji, S. Reynaud, C. Salomon, 2011, 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS) Proceedings.

L. Blanchet, Lavinia Heisenberg, 2015, 1505.05146.

Luc Blanchet, Bala R. Iyer, Clifford M. Will, 1996, gr-qc/9602024.

T. Damour, L. Blanchet, T. Damour, 1986, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

L. Blanchet, Lavinia Heisenberg, F. Larrouturou, 2023, Physical Review D.

L. Blanchet, François Larrouturou, D. Trestini, 2022, Classical and Quantum Gravity.

L. Blanchet, G. Faye, Tanguy Marchand, 2016, 1607.07601.

L. Blanchet, 1997 .

B. Sathyaprakash, L. Blanchet, 1994 .

G. H'ebrard, L. Blanchet, Franccois Larrouturou, 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

L. Blanchet, D. Trestini, 2023, Physical Review D.

L. Blanchet, L. Bernard, D. Trestini, 2022, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.

J. Novak, L. Blanchet, 2011, 1105.5815.

Blanchet, T. Damour, Damour, 1992, Physical review. D, Particles and fields.

Blanchet, T. Damour, Damour, 1988, Physical review. D, Particles and fields.

L. Blanchet, 2019, Comptes Rendus Physique.

L. Blanchet, R. Oliveri, G. Compère, 2023, Journal of High Energy Physics.

L. Blanchet, 2006, gr-qc/0603038.

L. Blanchet, G. Faye, 2008 .

L. Blanchet, G. Faye, B'en'edicte Ponsot, 1998, gr-qc/9804079.

Blanchet, L. Blanchet, 1996, Physical review. D, Particles and fields.

Blanchet, B. Sathyaprakash, L. Blanchet, 1995, Physical review letters.

Blanchet, L. Blanchet, 1995, Physical review. D, Particles and fields.

Peter Wolf, Luc Blanchet, L. Blanchet, 2015, 1509.02854.

C. cohen-tannoudji, H. Müller, A. Peters, 2010, Nature.

L. Blanchet, 2013, Living Reviews in Relativity.