I. Hasson-Ohayon


D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, S. Kravetz, 2011, Community Mental Health Journal.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, S. Kravetz, 2009, The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences.

R. Kaplan, Y. Kreiss, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2022, Frontiers in Psychiatry.

M. Hagedoorn, I. Hasson-Ohayon, G. Goldzweig, 2022, Clinical psychology review.

R. Amiaz, M. Weiser, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2013, Comprehensive psychiatry.

T. Peri, Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2017, Journal of clinical psychology.

T. Peretz, A. Rydall, G. Rodin, 2014, Supportive Care in Cancer.

P. Lysaker, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2021, World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association.

M. Kukla, I. Hasson-Ohayon, P. Lysaker, 2013, Psychology research and behavior management.

L. Baider, I. Hasson-Ohayon, A. Hubert, 2010, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

B. Uziely, B. Kaufman, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2005, Psycho-oncology.

Noa Vilchinsky, I. Hasson-Ohayon, S. Kravetz, 2014, Rehabilitation psychology.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, G. Goldzweig, M. Braun, 2022, Palliative & supportive care.

J. Rehm, I. Hasson-Ohayon, S. Lev-Ran, 2021, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.

J. Vohs, Emily C. Gagen, P. Lysaker, 2020, Psychology research and behavior management.

J. Vohs, Emily C. Gagen, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2020 .

H. Mcleod, D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2017, Expert review of neurotherapeutics.

E. Bar-Kalifa, D. Atzil-Slonim, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2018, Psychotherapy research : journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.

Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, I. Hasson-Ohayon, T. Silberg, 2020, Review of Religious Research.

Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, I. Hasson-Ohayon, T. Silberg, 2020, Review of Religious Research.

Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, I. Hasson-Ohayon, T. Silberg, 2020, Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, Hadass Goldblatt, 2018, Qualitative health research.

D. Larabi, B. Ćurčić-Blake, G. Pijnenborg, 2020, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.

Caroline S. Dorfman, B. Uziely, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2014, Psychology & health.

S. Harder, G. Dimaggio, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2013, Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, R. Laor-Maayany, G. Goldzweig, 2019, Psycho-oncology.

C. Shpigelman, D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2018, Disability and health journal.

A. Brand-Gothelf, I. Hasson-Ohayon, D. Gothelf, 2021, Frontiers in Psychiatry.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, D. Gothelf, 2018, Psychiatric rehabilitation journal.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, G. Goldzweig, M. Braun, 2019, Psycho-oncology.

G. Bar-Sela, I. Hasson-Ohayon, R. Laor-Maayany, 2019, Supportive Care in Cancer.

M. Weiser, A. Caspi, K. Mueser, 2013, The Journal of nervous and mental disease.

Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, I. Hasson-Ohayon, G. Goldzweig, 2015, Palliative and Supportive Care.

Giancarlo Dimaggio, Angus MacBeth, A. MacBeth, 2020, Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, G. Goldzweig, M. Mashiach-Eizenberg, 2017, Palliative and Supportive Care.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, Miriam Isolde Gornemann, 2016, Psychiatric Services.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, L. Boyette, A. Scholte-Stalenhoef, 2023, Schizophrenia Research.

A. MacBeth, G. Dimaggio, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2020, Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, S. Kravetz, 2007, The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2016, The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences.

T. Peri, E. Bar-Kalifa, D. Atzil-Slonim, 2019, The Journal of nervous and mental disease.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, P. Lysaker, 2016, Psychiatry Research.

G. Zalsman, Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2014, Comprehensive psychiatry.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, P. Lysaker, 2014, Journal of clinical psychology.

H. Shalev, I. Hasson-Ohayon, S. Kravetz, 2014, The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences.

D. Atzil-Slonim, Yogev Kivity, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2022, Psychotherapy research : journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.

G. Bar-Sela, I. Hasson-Ohayon, G. Goldzweig, 2013, Palliative and Supportive Care.

P. Boelen, T. Peri, Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, 2016, European journal of psychotraumatology.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, G. DiMaggio, F. Inchausti, 2020 .

Gal Lazarus, D. Atzil-Slonim, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2020, Psychotherapy research : journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, G. Shoval, G. Goldzweig, 2021, Journal of Child and Family Studies.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, M. Mashiach-Eizenberg, 2015 .

W. Veling, L. Haan, N. Boonstra, 2021, Schizophrenia Research.

R. Amiaz, M. Weiser, D. Roe, 2012, Psychiatry Research.

A. David, M. Weiser, D. Roe, 2006, Comprehensive psychiatry.

P. Boelen, T. Peri, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2021, European journal of psychotraumatology.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, G. Goldzweig, M. Mashiach-Eizenberg, 2018, Psycho-oncology.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, S. Kravetz, 2008, The Journal of nervous and mental disease.

Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, I. Hasson-Ohayon, Rivi Frei-Landau, 2020, Death studies.

G. Pijnenborg, N. Boonstra, P. Lysaker, 2021, Frontiers in Psychiatry.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, M. Mashiach-Eizenberg, 2014, Psychiatric services.

L. Baider, I. Hasson-Ohayon, M. Braun, 2009, Psychosomatics.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, P. Lysaker, Y. Zisman-Ilani, 2021, Psychiatric services.

I. Hasson-Ohayon, G. Goldzweig, S. Alon, 2016, Psychology, health & medicine.

N. Boonstra, I. Hasson-Ohayon, P. Lysaker, 2023, Frontiers in Psychiatry.

Michelle P. Salyers, M. Salyers, D. Roe, 2009, Psychiatric rehabilitation journal.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, S. Kravetz, 2017, Psychiatry Research.

Ilanit Gordon, I. Hasson-Ohayon, D. Horesh, 2022, The Journal of nervous and mental disease.

A. Ziv, Y. Kreiss, A. Brand-Gothelf, 2020, Frontiers in Psychiatry.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, D. Gothelf, 2018, Psychiatry.

M. Weiser, D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2006, The Journal of nervous and mental disease.

D. Roe, S. Freedman, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2009, The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences.

E. Rafaeli, W. Lutz, Gal Lazarus, 2019, Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, P. Lysaker, 2014, Comprehensive psychiatry.

Jonathan G. Shalom, Eva Gilboa-Schechtman, Dana Atzil-Slonim, 2018, Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

A. Aleman, G. Pijnenborg, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2018, Psychology and psychotherapy.

Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, I. Hasson-Ohayon, D. Gothelf, 2023, European child & adolescent psychiatry.

D. Roe, I. Hasson-Ohayon, P. Lysaker, 2014, Comprehensive psychiatry.

W. Cahn, F. Schirmbeck, I. Hasson-Ohayon, 2024, Schizophrenia Research.

Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, I. Hasson-Ohayon, Shahar Aharon Biram, 2024, European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.