J. Möller


Allan Wigfield, Ulrich Schiefele, Ellen Schaffner, 2012, Reading Research Quarterly.

Steffen Zitzmann, J. Möller, Fabian Wolff, 2020 .

J. Möller, Nicole Husemann, 2006 .

H. Marsh, O. Köller, J. Möller, 2011 .

H. Marsh, J. Möller, Friederike Helm, 2013, Psychological review.

Jens Möller, O. Köller, J. Möller, 2001, Contemporary educational psychology.

Jens Möller, J. Möller, B. Pohlmann, 2009 .

J. Möller, Friederike Helm, N. Nagy, 2013, Psychological review.

A. Arens, J. Möller, Fabian Wolff, 2019, The Journal of Experimental Education.

Reinhard Pekrun, Herbert W. Marsh, Benjamin Nagengast, 2015 .

J. Möller, Friederike Helm, Hanno Müller-Kalthoff, 2018, Learning and Instruction.

J. Möller, Thorben Jansen, Stefan D. Keller, 2018, The Language Learning Journal.

J. Eccles, Allan Wigfield, J. Möller, 2020, Educational Psychology Review.

J. Möller, Friederike Helm, Hanno Müller-Kalthoff, 2017, Social Psychology of Education.

J. Möller, Friederike Zimmermann, Sonja Krämer, 2021 .

Jens Möller, J. Möller, Nils Machts, 2019, Assessing Writing.

J. Möller, Johanna Fleckenstein, Sandra Kristina Gebauer, 2019, Contemporary Educational Psychology.

Lauren Eskreis-Winkler, J. Möller, Jan Retelsdorf, 2019, European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Christoph Niepel, Samuel Greiff, H. Marsh, 2022, Learning and Instruction.

M. Back, G. Nagy, J. Möller, 2018, European Journal of Personality.

Stefan Sorge, M. Keller, J. Möller, 2019, Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

Steffen Zitzmann, J. Möller, Nils Machts, 2020, Learning and Instruction.

J. Möller, Anna Südkamp, Johanna Kaiser, 2014 .

O. Köller, J. Möller, Jan Retelsdorf, 2012, The British journal of educational psychology.

Toni A. Ihme, J. Möller, Anna Südkamp, 2021, Frontiers in Education.

G. Nagy, O. Köller, J. Möller, 2019, Journal of Educational Psychology.

G. Nagy, J. Möller, Fabian Wolff, 2018, Journal of Educational Psychology.

J. Möller, B. Pohlmann, Lilian Streblow, 2009 .

O. Köller, J. Möller, Friederike Zimmermann, 2014, The British journal of educational psychology.

Jens Möller, J. Möller, 2005, The British journal of educational psychology.

J. Möller, Fabian Wolff, Friederike Helm, 2023, Learning and Individual Differences.

H. Marsh, Theresa Dicke, Steffen Zitzmann, 2022, Journal of Educational Psychology.

Elke Wild, Thiemo Müller-Kalthoff, Jens Möller, 2007 .

J. Möller, Friederike Helm, 2018, Agency and Communion in Social Psychology.

J. Möller, B. Pohlmann, 2010, The British journal of educational psychology.

J. Möller, Thorben Jansen, S. Schipolowski, 2023, Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie.

J. Möller, Jan Retelsdorf, Friederike Zimmermann, 2018, Learning and Individual Differences.