S. Baldwin


C. Teyssier, I. Mcdougall, S. Baldwin, 1991 .

S. Baldwin, J. P. Das, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

T. Harrison, J. Gerald, S. Baldwin, 1990 .

T. Little, P. Fitzgerald, S. Baldwin, 2008 .

E. Watson, F. Spear, S. Baldwin, 2019, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.

Laura E. Webb, P. Fitzgerald, S. Baldwin, 2012 .

S. Baldwin, H. von Eynatten, Jan Schönig, 2021, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

P. Fitzgerald, S. Baldwin, M. Malusà, 2018, Fission-Track Thermochronology and its Application to Geology.

Liang Zhao, T. Gerya, P. Fitzgerald, 2018, Earth and Planetary Science Letters.