E. Elliott


E. Reuveni, S. Nardone, E. Elliott, 2014, Translational Psychiatry.

E. Reuveni, S. Nardone, Dev Sharan Sams, 2017, Cerebral cortex.

E. Elliott, P. Tsvetkov, I. Ginzburg, 2007, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

I. Onn, E. Elliott, Liron Davis, 2018, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

E. Elliott, L. Behar, I. Ginzburg, 2009, FEBS letters.

S. Pelech, E. Elliott, Lambert Yue, 2022, International journal of molecular sciences.

O. Koren, S. Turjeman, E. Elliott, 2021, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

Michael Tsoory, Y. Shemesh, Alon Chen, 2016, The Journal of Neuroscience.

O. Koren, E. Elliott, Linoy Mia Frankiensztajn, 2020, Current Opinion in Neurobiology.

O. Koren, M. Nuriel-Ohayon, O. Ziv, 2018, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.

O. Yizhar, Elad Schneidman, J. Deussing, 2016, Nature Neuroscience.

E. Elliott, I. Ginzburg, 2006, Reviews in the neurosciences.

Alon Chen, E. Elliott, A. Neufeld-Cohen, 2010, Nature Neuroscience.

O. Koren, M. Nuriel-Ohayon, O. Ziv, 2018, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.