M. Ansay


P. Gustin, B. Urbain, J. Prouvost, 1994, American journal of veterinary research.

P. Gustin, M. Ansay, A. Delaunois, 1993, The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.

P. Gustin, M. Ansay, A. Delaunois, 1993, Fundamental & clinical pharmacology.

P. Gustin, M. Ansay, A. Delaunois, 1994, Pulmonary pharmacology.

J. Young, A. Archibald, M. Ansay, 1980, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

M. Ansay, B. Nusgens, C. Lapière, 1971, European journal of biochemistry.

M. Ansay, S. Bloden, B. Depelchin, 1987, Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics.

P. Gustin, M. Ansay, A. Delaunois, 1996, Fundamental & clinical pharmacology.

P. Gustin, M. Ansay, C. Advenier, 1993, Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics.

C. Cambier, P. Gustin, T. Clerbaux, 1997, Journal of applied physiology.

M. Ansay, J. Carleer, 1980, Archives of biochemistry and biophysics.

M. Ansay, J. Widar, R. Hanset, 2009, Animal blood groups and biochemical genetics.

P. Pastoret, M. Ansay, J. Carleer, 1978, Animal blood groups and biochemical genetics.

M. Ansay, J. Widar, R. Hanset, 2009, Animal blood groups and biochemical genetics.

P. Gustin, M. Ansay, A. Delaunois, 1994, Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics.

C. Cambier, P. Gustin, T. Clerbaux, 1998, Journal of applied physiology.

M. Ansay, 2010, Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe A.

P. Gustin, B. Urbain, M. Ansay, 2005, Veterinary research communications.

M. Roberfroid, M. Ansay, F. Goethals, 1990, Cell Biology and Toxicology.

P. Gustin, M. Ansay, A. Delaunois, 1997, Toxicology and applied pharmacology.

M. Ansay, S. Bloden, B. Depelchin, 1985, The Veterinary Record.

M. Ansay, C. Michaux, S. Bloden, 1988, Research in veterinary science.

P. Gustin, T. Clerbaux, B. Detry, 1994, Journal of applied physiology.

P. Gustin, M. Ansay, A. Delaunois, 1998, Toxicology and applied pharmacology.