C. Saraux


M. Giannoulaki, T. Hattab, A. Machias, 2021, Mediterranean Marine Science.

A. Chiaradia, P. Dann, C. Saraux, 2015, Royal Society Open Science.

J. Fromentin, D. McKenzie, G. Dutto, 2019, Front. Mar. Sci..

C. Estournel, J. Fromentin, L. Stemmann, 2020, Progress in Oceanography.

Philipp H. Boersch-Supan, Laura E. Koehn, R. Furness, 2017 .

Rory P. Wilson, Y. Ropert‐Coudert, A. Kato, 2012, Journal of Experimental Biology.

N. Stenseth, J. Durant, Y. le Maho, 2011, Comptes rendus biologies.

Y. Ropert‐Coudert, A. Chiaradia, Y. Maho, 2011 .

J. Fromentin, D. McKenzie, G. Dutto, 2021, Marine environmental research.

T. Rouyer, C. Saraux, N. Bodin, 2019, Analytica chimica acta.

J. Fromentin, G. Dutto, E. Gasset, 2018, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.

D. Roussel, D. McKenzie, G. Dutto, 2019, Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology.

J. Fromentin, H. Boulet, M. Baud, 2016, Marine Biology.

Y. Ropert‐Coudert, A. Kato, Y. le Maho, 2015, Polar Biology.

Yvon Le Maho, Nigel G. Yoccoz, Céline Le Bohec, 2011, Nature.

R. Groscolas, C. Saraux, Vincent A. Viblanc, 2011, PloS one.

Y. le Maho, C. Le Bohec, C. Saraux, 2014, PloS one.

Nicolas Bez, Jean-Marc Fromentin, Marie Morfin, 2014, PloS one.

C. Saraux, J. Murie, Vincent A. Viblanc, 2016, The Journal of animal ecology.

J. Fromentin, C. Saraux, R. Bauer, 2018, Marine Ecology Progress Series.

C. Saraux, J. Murie, Vincent A. Viblanc, 2016, The Journal of animal ecology.

N. Stenseth, J. Durant, Y. le Maho, 2011, Comptes rendus biologies.