M. Schuster


Vaibhav Jadhav, Gerhard G. Thallinger, Norbert Auer, 2016, Biotechnology and bioengineering.

Nathan C. Sheffield, Ruth Ladenstein, Christoph Bock, 2017, Nature Medicine.

Sebastian Strempel, B. Prusty, T. Rudel, 2018, npj Genomic Medicine.

Darren L. Smith, Evelien M. Adriaenssens, Gemma L. Kay, 2020, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

Jeffrey H. Chuang, Kevin C. Johnson, Lucy F. Stead, 2019, Nature.

Michael T. Wolfinger, Michael D. Nicholson, G. Superti-Furga, 2020, Science Translational Medicine.

Michael T. Wolfinger, Michael D. Nicholson, G. Superti-Furga, 2020, bioRxiv.

André F. Rendeiro, A. Müller, C. Bock, 2021, Nature Genetics.

A. Stenzinger, J. Gehrmann, P. MacDonald, 2021, Nature Metabolism.

Toshiro K. Ohsumi, D. Goldstein, M. Knip, 2015, The New England journal of medicine.

Kyle J. Gaulton, Gopika G. Nair, B. Kuster, 2021, Nature Medicine.

Gerhard Dürnberger, Pär Stattin, Christoph Bock, 2017, Nature chemical biology.

M. Farrar, C. Bock, L. Müller, 2020, Frontiers in Immunology.

Petros Drineas, Isidro Ferrer, Christoph Bock, 2016, Neurobiology of Aging.

André F. Rendeiro, Jörg Menche, K. Bennett, 2019, Nature Genetics.

André F. Rendeiro, K. Bennett, Dennis L. Buckley, 2018, bioRxiv.

André F. Rendeiro, Jörg Menche, K. Bennett, 2019, Nature Genetics.

Christoph Bock, Giulio Superti-Furga, Johannes Zuber, 2016, Nature chemical biology.

A. Stenzinger, J. Gehrmann, P. MacDonald, 2021, Nature Metabolism.

A. Hoischen, Jörg Menche, H. Brunner, 2023, New England Journal of Medicine.

Michael Sattler, S. Kubicek, J. Hannich, 2023, Nature communications.

G. Superti-Furga, S. Knapp, J. Zuber, 2016, Nature chemical biology.