E. Purwanta


Junia Melya Sari, E. Purwanta, 2021, Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah.

E. Purwanta, I. Ishartiwi, R. R. Handoyo, 2022, Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences.

E. Purwanta, Viga Saputi, 2021, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technology and Educational Science (ICTES 2020).

E. Purwanta, M. Muthmainah, Suwarjo Suwarjo, 2022, Al-Athfaal: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini.

E. Purwanta, Devi Trianasari, 2019, Joint proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Character Educations (IcoSSCE 2018) and International Conference on Social Studies, Moral, and Character Education (ICSMC 2018).

E. Purwanta, Hulfa Hulfa, Hulfa Hulfa, 2018, Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan.

E. Purwanta, Isti Nurhidayati, 2019, Proceedings of the International Conference on Special and Inclusive Education (ICSIE 2018).

E. Purwanta, Rahajeng Nastiti, 2019 .

E. Purwanta, F. Annisa, 2022, International Journal of Research and Education.

E. Purwanta, Widiyaningrum Kurniasari, 2019, Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice.

E. Purwanta, Atik Mar’atus Sholikhah, 2020, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019).

E. Purwanta, Ikha Durrotun Nasikhah, 2019, Proceedings of the International Conference on Special and Inclusive Education (ICSIE 2018).

Rizqi Lestari, B. Astuti, Y. Ayriza, 2022, Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences.

E. Purwanta, Yulia Aziza, 2019, Joint proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Character Educations (IcoSSCE 2018) and International Conference on Social Studies, Moral, and Character Education (ICSMC 2018).

E. Purwanta, Dhanang Suwidagdho, 2022, Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling.

E. Purwanta, I. Ifdil, D. Situmorang, 2021, COUNS-EDU: The International Journal of Counseling and Education.

Rizqi Lestari, B. Astuti, E. Purwanta, 2022, World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues.

E. Purwanta, Rendy Amora Jofipasi, 2019, Proceedings of the International Conference on Special and Inclusive Education (ICSIE 2018).

E. Purwanta, M. Nor, M. Muthmainah, 2021, Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan.

F. Setiawati, E. Purwanta, 2023, International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE).

B. Sumintono, E. Purwanta, Farida Agus, 2023, European Journal of Educational Research.

E. Purwanta, Yoppy Wahyu Purnomo, Uswatun Hasanah, 2024, Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika.