S. Wolk


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H. M. Günther, Randall K. Smith, L. Brenneman, 2022, Astronomische Nachrichten.

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H. M. Günther, H. M. Gunther, J. Schmitt, 2012, 1203.3242.

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M. D. Lucas, D. Britt, C. Chen, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

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H. M. Günther, E. Guinan, S. Engle, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal.

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W. Sherry, F. Walter, S. Wolk, 2008, 0801.2585.

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E. Guinan, S. Engle, N. Evans, 2014, 1403.6939.

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U. Wolter, S. Wolk, J. Robrade, 2013, 1305.3280.

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J. J. Drake, S. Sciortino, V. Kashyap, 2014, 1403.1029.

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Stephen L. O'Dell, Douglas A. Swartz, Joseph I. Minow, 2003, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

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R. Gutermuth, S. Megeath, S. Wolk, 2011, 1111.4413.

J. Alves, J. Forbrich, K. Getman, 2016, 1606.07065.

S. Wolk, I. Pillitteri, S. T. Megeath, 2016, 1603.00205.

J. Muzerolle, R. Gutermuth, T. Naylor, 2012, 1203.5089.

R. Gutermuth, S. Megeath, S. Wolk, 2011, 1110.2660.

Mark L. Schattenburg, Robert Petre, Michael A. Nowak, 2016, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

J. Wilms, R. Willingale, F. Paerels, 2016, Optical Engineering + Applications.

H. M. Günther, K. Covey, L. Hillenbrand, 2014, 1408.3063.

Mark L. Schattenburg, Marshall W. Bautz, Catherine E. Grant, 2016, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

E. Feigelson, S. Wolk, A. Glassgold, 2005, astro-ph/0505562.

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V. Kashyap, E. Guinan, S. Engle, 2020, The Astronomical Journal.

Joana M. Oliveira, J. Bally, L. Allen, 2014 .

S. Wolk, B. Spitzbart, 2006, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

A. Falcone, K. Nandra, C. DeRoo, 2022, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

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N. Evans, J. Nichols, W. Waldron, 2004, astro-ph/0405587.

H. M. Günther, S. Wolk, Steven M. Silverberg, 2023, The Astronomical Journal.

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G. Weigelt, M. Ireland, H. M. Gunther, 2016, 1611.01371.

V. Kashyap, S. Sciortino, M. Karovska, 2019, 1904.04320.

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W. Sherry, F. Walter, S. Wolk, 2003 .

K. Poppenhaeger, U. Christensen, R. Yadav, 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

William W. Zhang, Martin C. Weisskopf, Ronald F. Elsner, 2010, Optical Engineering + Applications.

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