M. Jam


B. Charrier, B. Billoud, M. Jam, 2019, Scientific Reports.

C. Médigue, D. Vallenet, G. Michel, 2017, Nature Communications.

C. Médigue, D. Vallenet, G. Michel, 2017, Nature Communications.

Robert J Linhardt, S. Bhattacharyya, J. Tobacman, 2010, The Journal of nutritional biochemistry.

G. Michel, M. Czjzek, M. Jam, 2008, Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications.

B. Kloareg, G. Michel, P. Potin, 2007, Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

B. Henrissat, B. Kloareg, M. Czjzek, 2003, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

G. Michel, M. Czjzek, C. Leroux, 2017, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Patrick Cormier, M. Czjzek, P. Cormier, 2010, Nucleic acids research.

J. Knox, M. Jam, Cécile Hervé, 2016, Journal of experimental botany.

S. Bhattacharyya, J. Tobacman, Haiying Liu, 2010, The Journal of nutritional biochemistry.