B. Soewito


B. Soewito, F. Gunawan, S. Candra, 2017, 2017 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI).

Aswan Supriyadi Sunge, E. Abdurachman, F. Gaol, 2019, 2019 International Congress on Applied Information Technology (AIT).

Benfano Soewito, B. Soewito, 2015, Computational Intelligence and Efficiency in Engineering Systems.

H. L. Warnars, F. Gaol, B. Soewito, 2020, 2020 4th International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences (ICICoS).

B. Soewito, F. Gunawan, S. Candra, 2016, 2016 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA).

Husni Iskandar Pohan, F. Gaol, B. Soewito, 2022, 2022 1st International Conference on Information System & Information Technology (ICISIT).

Noprianto, Vincent, B. Soewito, 2020, 2020 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System (ICORIS).

Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, F. Gaol, B. Soewito, 2022, 2022 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech).

Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Edi Abdurachman, Benfano Soewito, 2019, 2019 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech).

Ford Lumban Gaol, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Agung Trisetyarso, 2020, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Ford Lumban Gaol, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Benfano Soewito, 2017 .

Benfano Soewito, Irwan Piesessa, B. Soewito, 2018, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security.

Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Benfano Soewito, Hady Pranoto, 2015 .

Ford Lumban Gaol, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Edi Abdurachman, 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence (CyberneticsCom).

Ford Lumban Gaol, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Edi Abdurachman, 2017, 2017 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech).

Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Edi Abdurachman, Benfano Soewito, 2017, 2017 International Conference on Applied Computer and Communication Technologies (ComCom).

Ford Lumban Gaol, Edi Abdurachman, Benfano Soewito, 2018, 2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT).

Ford Lumban Gaol, Agung Trisetyarso, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, 2018, 2018 Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition International Conference (INAPR).

Benfano Soewito, Bens Pardamean, Martin Suhartana, 2014 .

Edi Abdurachman, Benfano Soewito, Zulfany Erlisa Rasjid, 2017, ICCSCI.

Benfano Soewito, Nico Surantha, Nicholas Dominic, 2021, 3PGCIC.

F. Gaol, B. Soewito, H. L. S. Warnars, 2023, 2023 International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology and Engineering (ICCoSITE).

Edi Abdurachman, Benfano Soewito, Maniah, 2021, J. King Saud Univ. Comput. Inf. Sci..

Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Benfano Soewito, Sevenpri Candra, 2016, 2016 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA).

Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Benfano Soewito, Sevenpri Candra, 2016, 2016 11th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS).

Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Benfano Soewito, Sani Muhamad Isa, 2018, 2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech).

B. Soewito, Arief Prabawa Putra, 2023, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.

Dionisius Saviordo Thenuardi, B. Soewito, 2020, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal.

Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Benfano Soewito, Nobumasa Sekishita, 2019, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE).

Harjanto Prabowo, Richard Richard, B. Soewito, 2020, ICBTA.

Benfano Soewito, Yonathan Marcellinus, B. Soewito, 2020 .

Edi Abdurachman, Benfano Soewito, Ford Lumban Gaol, 2019, Procedia Computer Science.

Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Benfano Soewito, Manik Hapsara, 2017, 2017 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI).

Ford Lumban Gaol, Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Benfano Soewito, 2015, 2015 International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications (ICCEREC).

Ford Lumban Gaol, Edi Abdurachman, Benfano Soewito, 2017 .

Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Benfano Soewito, Sevenpri Candra, 2016, 2016 11th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS).

Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Benfano Soewito, Diana, 2019, Procedia Computer Science.

Benfano Soewito, Lucas Vespa, Ning Weng, 2011, Comput. Networks.

Benfano Soewito, Lucas Vespa, Ning Weng, 2009, Microprocess. Microsystems.

Benfano Soewito, Haibo Wang, Ning Weng, 2009 .

Benfano Soewito, Ning Weng, B. Soewito, 2008, 2008 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications.

Benfano Soewito, Ning Weng, B. Soewito, 2007, 2007 IEEE 7th International Symposium on BioInformatics and BioEngineering.

Benfano Soewito, B. Soewito, 2013 .

Haibo Wang, Benfano Soewito, Lucas Vespa, 2009, IEEE Network.

Benfano Soewito, Ning Weng, B. Soewito, 2008, Security and Management.

F. Gaol, B. Soewito, Semi Yulianto, 2023, 2023 29th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT).

B. Soewito, Semi Yulianto, 2023, 2023 International Conference on Informatics Engineering, Science & Technology (INCITEST).

B. Soewito, Patricia Citranegara Kusuma, 2023, Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS).

F. Gaol, B. Soewito, H. L. Hendric Spits Warnars, 2023, 2023 International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology and Engineering (ICCoSITE).

Harjanto Prabowo, Richard Richard, B. Soewito, 2022, Frontiers in Psychology.

Nico Surantha, Benfano Soewito, C’zuko Adiwiputra, 2020 .

Ford Lumban Gaol, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Karto Iskandar, 2016, 2016 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its Applications (IC3INA).

Benfano Soewito, Charlie Erwin Andhika, B. Soewito, 2019, 2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA).

Ford Lumban Gaol, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Gede Putra Kusuma, 2017, 2017 International Conference on Applied Computer and Communication Technologies (ComCom).

B. Soewito, Riskie Annisa, 2023, Journal of Advances in Information Technology.

Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Benfano Soewito, Aji Maryanto, 2016, 2016 11th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS).

F. Gaol, B. Soewito, Spits Warnars, 2022, 2022 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences (AiDAS).