A. Chevailler


F. Oberti, P. Calès, S. Michalak, 2005, Hepatology.

V. Procaccio, C. Créminon, H. Fickenscher, 2017, The Journal of Immunology.

S. Kaveri, S. Lacroix-Desmazes, M. Kazatchkine, 2003, Blood.

P. Reboul, A. Chevailler, G. Rénier, 2001, Clinical and experimental immunology.

G. Hunault, F. Oberti, P. Calès, 2008, Gastroenterologie clinique et biologique.

A. Chevailler, Y. Delneste, G. Rénier, 2008, Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology.

A. Mantovani, J. Subra, A. Chevailler, 2009, Rheumatology.

J. Subra, X. Puéchal, A. Chevailler, 2017, International reviews of immunology.

N. Ifrah, A. Chevailler, G. Rénier, 1989, Cancer.

J. Sibilia, A. Chevailler, S. Gayet, 2004, The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.

D. Chappard, M. Drouet, A. Chevailler, 2009, Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

J. Lissitzky, A. Chevailler, J. Bouchara, 1997, Infection and immunity.

S. Kaveri, J. Dimitrov, P. Bruhns, 2019, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

S. Suraniti, A. Chevailler, C. Drouet, 1994, Scandinavian journal of immunology.

A. Mantovani, J. Subra, X. Puéchal, 2016, PloS one.

G. Arlaud, A. Chevailler, G. Rénier, 1996, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

A. Chevailler, G. Magistrelli, A. Doni, 2011, Blood.

E. Ballot, F. Oksman, A. Chevailler, 2005, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

J. Sibilia, J. Monier, A. Chevailler, 2000 .

Pascale Jeannin, Delphine Rossille, Claude Bendavid, 2016, Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis.

P. Allain, F. Etcharry-Bouyx, C. Baufreton, 2005, The Annals of thoracic surgery.

A. Chevailler, G. Rénier, M. Gardembas-Pain, 1992, Annals of the rheumatic diseases.

J. Sibilia, J. Monier, A. Chevailler, 2012, Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition.

L. Noel, R. Monteiro, A. Chevailler, 1988, Clinical and experimental immunology.

N. Ifrah, A. Chevailler, G. Rénier, 1992, American journal of clinical pathology.

G. Flandrin, N. Ifrah, C. Foussard, 1989, Acta Haematologica.

P. Reboul, C. Masson, A. Chevailler, 1994, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

A. Chevailler, G. Rénier, J. Subra, 1993, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

G. Hunault, F. Oberti, P. Calès, 2008, Clinical biochemistry.

F. Oksman, A. Chevailler, G. Rénier, 1994, Journal of autoimmunity.

C. Pascaretti, M. Audran, A. Chevailler, 1996, Journal of Rheumatology.

Pascale Jeannin, Gilles Renier, Charles Masson, 2007, Annals of the rheumatic diseases.

M. Fritzler, A. Chevailler, G. Rénier, 1996 .

M. Cooper, R. Monteiro, A. Chevailler, 1989, Journal of immunology.

M. Lefranc, N. Ifrah, R. Monteiro, 1990, Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie.

A. Chevailler, 1992, Allergie et immunologie.

M. Lefranc, A. Chevailler, G. Lefranc, 1990, Experimental and clinical immunogenetics.

J. Subra, A. Chevailler, J. Sayegh, 2016, Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society.

A. Chevailler, G. Magistrelli, A. Doni, 2011, Blood.

D. Chappard, M. Drouet, A. Chevailler, 2009, Clinical and Experimental Allergy.

V. Procaccio, C. Créminon, H. Fickenscher, 2017, The Journal of Immunology.

J. Subra, X. Puéchal, A. Chevailler, 2015, Joint, bone, spine : revue du rhumatisme.