G. Bakos


S. N. Mellon, M. Kenworthy, M. Ireland, 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

D. Bayliss, G. Zhou, B. Schmidt, 2013, 1306.0878.

Miguel de Val-Borro, R. P. Butler, University of Wales, 2018, The Astronomical Journal.

David Charbonneau, Francis T. O'Donovan, Joshua N. Winn, 2006 .

Enzo Pascale, Jonathan Tennyson, Gautam Vasisht, 2022 .

Enzo Pascale, Jonathan Tennyson, Charles Cockell, 2015, 1502.05747.

P. A. R. Ade, J. B. Marquette, M. J. Griffin, 2010, 1112.2728.

David M. Kipping, D. Kipping, G. Bakos, 2010, 1004.3538.

J. Hartman, G. Bakos, W. Bhatti, 2018, The Astrophysical Journal.

R. Paul Butler, Debra A. Fischer, Department of Physics, 2009, 0908.1705.

Miguel de Val-Borro, P. Tenenbaum, S. Seager, 2018, The Astronomical Journal.

Enzo Pascale, Jonathan Tennyson, Gautam Vasisht, 2010, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

R. W. Noyes, J. D. Hartman, CfA, 2009, 0907.2924.

Miguel de Val-Borro, R. P. Butler, D. Bayliss, 2015, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Georgia State University, Y. University, 2015, 1510.08839.

Miguel de Val-Borro, D. Bayliss, G. Zhou, 2015, 1506.01334.

Cambridge, California Institute of Technology, CA, 2010, 1008.3565.

Geza Kovacs, D. W. Latham, R. W. Noyes, 2010, The Astrophysical Journal.

D. W. Latham, R. W. Noyes, J. D. Hartman, 2011, 1106.1212.

D. Bayliss, L. Buchhave, D. Latham, 2011, 1101.3511.

John Asher Johnson, G. Furesz, D. W. Latham, 2011, 1103.3825.

Cambridge, UK, California Institute of Technology, 2010, 1008.3388.

California Institute of Technology, Santa Barbara, Geza Kovacs, 2010, 1008.3389.

G. Furesz, D. W. Latham, R. W. Noyes, 2010, 1005.2009.

Tucson, AZ, M. E. Everett, 2010, 1003.2211.

R. Paul Butler, Debra A. Fischer, Joel D. Hartman, 2009 .

Geza Kovacs, UC Berkeley, Carnegie, 2008, 0809.4295.

A. Sozzetti, D. W. Latham, Hungary, 2007, 0707.4268.

Tokyo, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2007, 0710.2894.

J. Benkő, J. Nuspl, G. Bakos, 2006, astro-ph/0608409.

Nikole K. Lewis, Drake Deming, Debra A. Fischer, 2013, 1302.5084.

W. Wood-Vasey, W. Brown, A. Szentgyorgyi, 2012, 1205.4493.

Miguel de Val-Borro, K. Stassun, D. Bayliss, 2019, The Astronomical Journal.

P. Conroy, Z. Csubry, V. Suc, 2013, 1306.0624.

Miguel de Val-Borro, R. P. Butler, D. Bayliss, 2018, The Astronomical Journal.

Miguel de Val-Borro, D. Bayliss, T. Henning, 2016, 1606.00848.

Miguel de Val-Borro, D. Bayliss, G. Zhou, 2015, 1507.01024.

Lunar, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, Observatoire de Geneve, 2006, astro-ph/0603291.

Howard Isaacson, Avi Shporer, Simon Albrecht, 2010, 1010.1318.

Avi Shporer, G. Marcy, H. Isaacson, 2010, 1009.5671.

Miguel de Val-Borro, D. Bayliss, G. Zhou, 2018, The Astronomical Journal.

B. J. Fulton, Z. Csubry, D. W. Latham, 2012, 1207.3344.

M. Gunther, J. Hartman, G. Bakos, 2020, 2005.05397.

Miguel de Val-Borro, G. Zhou, P. Berlind, 2017, The Astronomical Journal.

S. N. Mellon, M. Kenworthy, R. Stuik, 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Chelsea X. Huang, J. Hartman, 2015, 1507.07578.

M. Holman, M. Everett, D. Latham, 2006, astro-ph/0607571.

Lunar, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, Observatoire de Geneve, 2006, astro-ph/0603291.

M. Everett, L. Buchhave, D. Latham, 2010, 1010.1008.

Chelsea X. Huang, N. D. Lee, S. Fleming, 2021, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

J. Winn, L. Bouma, J. Hartman, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

C. Blake, A. Szentgyorgyi, D. Charbonneau, 2008, 0807.3746.

D. Bayliss, B. Schmidt, C. Tinney, 2013, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

M. Holman, E. Falco, M. Everett, 2005, astro-ph/0508051.

A. Sozzetti, M. López-Morales, G. Micela, 2014, 1401.4611.

David Charbonneau, Francis T. O'Donovan, Edward W. Dunham, 2007, 0705.2004.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Observatoire de Geneve, 2020, The Astronomical Journal.

F. Courbin, P. Vreeswijk, J. Hjorth, 2000, astro-ph/0003378.

M. Holman, T. Henning, D. Sasselov, 2008, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

W. M. Wood-Vasey, W. Wood-Vasey, W. Brown, 2012, 1205.4493.

Carnegie, R. P. Butler, San Diego State University, 2006, astro-ph/0609369.

J. Benkő, J. Nuspl, G. Bakos, 2006, astro-ph/0608409.

A. Pál, G. Bakos, 2006, astro-ph/0609658.

J. Benkő, G. Bakos, R. Szabó, 2003, astro-ph/0309227.

F. Courbin, P. Vreeswijk, J. Hjorth, 2000, astro-ph/0003378.

D. Bayliss, Avi Shporer, T. Henning, 2018 .

J. Prieto, R. Mcmillan, G. Bakos, 2011 .

Miguel de Val-Borro, D. Latham, S. Quinn, 2014, 1405.3728.

Miguel de Val-Borro, D. Bayliss, G. Zhou, 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

A. Szentgyorgyi, K. Stanek, A. Bonanos, 2003, astro-ph/0310477.

Mark Clampin, Sara Seager, George R. Ricker, 2010 .

David Charbonneau, Francis T. O'Donovan, Edward W. Dunham, 2007, 0708.0834.

J. Davenport, D. Bayliss, T. Henning, 2016, 1609.08718.

Miguel de Val-Borro, D. Bayliss, T. Henning, 2021, The Astronomical Journal.

Chelsea X. Huang, Joseph E. Rodriguez, A. Spencer, 2021, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

Enzo Pascale, Jonathan Tennyson, Charles Cockell, 2015, 1502.05747.

Lennart Lindegren, Michael Perryman, Joel Hartman, 2014, 1411.1173.

Miguel de Val-Borro, I. Boisse, Z. Csubry, 2014, 1401.5460.

Armin Rest, et al, Robert P. Kirshner, 2009, 0901.4787.

Mark Clampin, Nathaniel R. Butler, Sara Seager, 2014, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation.

Miguel de Val-Borro, R. P. Butler, D. Bayliss, 2015, 1505.02860.

Mark Clampin, Nathaniel R. Butler, Drake Deming, 2014, 1406.0151.

Keivan G. Stassun, Robert J. Siverd, Thomas G. Beatty, 2018, The Astronomical Journal.

David M. Kipping, David Nesvorny, Lars A. Buchhave, 2014, 1401.1210.

R. Noyes, J. Hartman, G. Bakos, 2010, 1006.0950.

G. Bakos, 2014, Daedalus.

Andrew Szentgyorgyi, Markus Rabus, Susana Eyheramendy, 2013, 1310.6048.

B. Sipocz, D. Latham, D. Sasselov, 2008, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

L. Bouma, J. Hartman, G. Bakos, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Luigi Mancini, Joao Bento, 2016, 1607.00688.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Z. Csubry, W. Bhatti, 2014, The Astronomical Journal.

David M. Kipping, David Nesvorny, Lars A. Buchhave, 2012, 1201.0752.

D. Dragomir, M. Lendl, Y. Jongen, 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

D. Bayliss, F. Bouchy, J. Almenara, 2023, The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Guillermo Torres, David Kipping, Alex Teachey, 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

A. P. S. Fellow, G. Bakos, P. University, 2012, 1205.6492.

R. P. Butler, M. Barbieri, S. Shectman, 2021, The Astronomical Journal.

Chelsea X. Huang, Joseph E. Rodriguez, K. Stassun, 2020, The Astronomical Journal.

Chelsea X. Huang, A. D. Feinstein, Joseph E. Rodriguez, 2020, The Astronomical Journal.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Z. Csubry, W. Bhatti, 2015, 1506.03097.

Miguel de Val-Borro, R. P. Butler, D. Bayliss, 2020, The Astronomical Journal.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Z. Csubry, W. Bhatti, 2015, 1503.03469.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Z. Csubry, W. Bhatti, 2015, 1503.00062.

Z. Csubry, D. W. Latham, R. W. Noyes, 2012, 1201.5075.

Department of Physics, Geza Kovacs, UC Berkeley, 2008, 0803.0746.

Danielle S. Dineen, Joseph E. Rodriguez, K. Stassun, 2020, The Astronomical Journal.

Brigitta Sipocz, Geza Kovacs, Tsevi Mazeh, 2008, 0806.4008.

R. Paul Butler, Edwin L. Turner, Keigo Enya, 2008, 0806.1734.

Joseph E. Rodriguez, Avi Shporer, T. Henning, 2020, The Astronomical Journal.

Miguel de Val-Borro, D. Bayliss, T. Henning, 2018, The Astronomical Journal.

G. Lewis, T. Bedding, L. Kiss, 2007, astro-ph/0703247.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Chelsea X. Huang, A. Santerne, 2020, The Astronomical Journal.

Joel D. Hartman, G'asp'ar 'A Bakos, J. Hartman, 2016, Astron. Comput..

K. Stassun, N. Crouzet, T. Guillot, 2020, The Astronomical Journal.

Institute for Advanced Study, C. University, J. Winn, 2021, The Astronomical Journal.

M. Holman, R. Gilliland, D. Sasselov, 2013, 1305.3281.

D. W. Latham, R. W. Noyes, J. D. Hartman, 2010, 1005.5300.

K. Enya, E. Turner, G. Marcy, 2007, 0707.0503.

David Kipping, Dirk Terrell, David Nesvorny, 2013, 1304.4283.

Joel D. Hartman, J. Hartman, G. Bakos, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

G. Laughlin, P. Tenenbaum, F. Pepe, 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

T. Bedding, L. Kiss, G. Bakos, 2007, 0705.3562.

G. Torres, J. Hartman, G. Bakos, 2010, 1011.5659.

P. McCullough, S. Rinehart, G. Laughlin, 2014, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation.

D. Bayliss, Avi Shporer, T. Henning, 2018, The Astronomical Journal.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Z. Csubry, W. Bhatti, 2015, 1510.05758.

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Z. Csubry, UC Berkeley, 2012, 1201.0659.

J. Hartman, G. Bakos, G. Kovacs, 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

R. Stuik, A. Vanderburg, D. LaCourse, 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Miguel de Val-Borro, R. P. Butler, D. Bayliss, 2016, 1607.00322.

D. Queloz, Geza Kovacs, S. Udry, 2007, 0710.1841.

Matthew Joseph Griffin, Enzo Pascale, Sergei N. Yurchenko, 2012 .

University of California, A. Sozzetti, D. W. Latham, 2007, 0710.0602.

G. Furesz, D. W. Latham, P. Berlind, 2011, 1103.1813.

Tel Aviv, Department of Physics, UC Berkeley, 2008, 0810.0260.

M. Holman, S. P. Worden, S. Udry, 2009 .

David M. Kipping, D. Kipping, G. Bakos, 2010, 1006.5680.

A. Vanderburg, D. Latham, A. Vanderburg, 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Chelsea X. Huang, G. Bakos, G'asp'ar 'A. Bakos, 2014, 1405.2259.

Miguel de Val-Borro, Princeton, I. Boisse, 2015, 1506.03734.

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Georgia State University, E. University, 2016, 1606.04556.

K. Stanek, R. Noyes, J. Hartman, 2004, astro-ph/0405597.

D. Bayliss, J. Laskar, C. Moutou, 2023, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

L. Buchhave, D. Kipping, A. Schmitt, 2014, 1411.7028.