N. Sirvent


O. Myklebost, J. Vermeesch, J. Coindre, 2000, Genes, chromosomes & cancer.

J. Banchereau, D. Chaussabel, J. Casanova, 2003, Science.

E. Haddad, J. Piette, G. Leverger, 2005, The Journal of pediatrics.

N. Sirvent, P. Boutté, J. Lacour, 2002, European Journal of Pediatrics.

P. Auquier, A. Baruchel, G. Leverger, 2017, Blood Cancer Journal.

A. Italiano, F. Peyrade, J. Michiels, 2005, The Lancet. Oncology.

M. Nishi, M. Vekemans, N. Sirvent, 2016, American journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical genetics.

J. Valla, N. Sirvent, A. Thyss, 1999, Medical and pediatric oncology.

I. Coupier, M. Gauthier‐Villars, C. Abadie, 2012, Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie.

N. Sirvent, E. Bérard, P. Chastagner, 2003, Medical and pediatric oncology.

Douglas R. McDonald, A. Al-ghonaium, Sami Al-Hajjar, 2010, Medicine.

D. Ranchère‐Vince, F. Pedeutour, N. Sirvent, 2012, Pediatric blood & cancer.

F. Pedeutour, G. Maire, N. Sirvent, 2004, Virchows Archiv.

D. Orbach, P. Schneider, M. Bonnaure-Mallet, 2007, Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology.

O. Myklebost, L. Meza-Zepeda, J. Coindre, 2001, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

T. Akbaraly, N. Sirvent, M. Saguintaah, 2018, Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology.

N. Sirvent, J. Lacour, V. Olivier, 1999 .

M. Gari-Toussaint, N. Sirvent, A. Deville, 2009, Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology.

M. Nishi, M. Vekemans, M. Chenard, 2017, American journal of medical genetics. Part A.

S. De Smet, N. Sirvent, M. Poirée, 2011, Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology.

Corinne Alberti, Alain Verloes, Christine Chomienne, 2014, Journal of Medical Genetics.

D. Stoppa-Lyonnet, D. Orbach, M. Miettinen, 2021, Journal of Medical Genetics.

V. Imbert, J. Peyron, M. Dréano, 2008, Leukemia.

J. Griffet, T. el Hayek, N. Sirvent, 2000, Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B.

J. Zucker, J. Dubousset, T. Philip, 2002, European journal of cancer.

A. Baruchel, S. Chevret, P. Rohrlich, 2012, Experimental Hematology & Oncology.

N. Sirvent, D. Reviron, X. Lamballerie, 2000, Bone Marrow Transplantation.

T. Roujeau, I. Coupier, N. Sirvent, 2014, Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie.

D. Hémon, D. Zélénika, A. Baruchel, 2013, Cancer Causes & Control.

P. Petit, L. Brugières, P. Petit, 2015, Pediatric hematology and oncology.

D. Orbach, E. Thébaud, M. Carton, 2020, European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology.

K. Baumstarck, P. Auquier, H. Chambost, 2013, Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.

N. Parola, P. Auquier, J. Mancini, 2012, Pediatric hematology and oncology.

J. Coindre, F. Pedeutour, N. Sirvent, 2002, Annales de pathologie.

N. Sirvent, H. Marchandin, L. Saumet, 2014, Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology.

N. Sirvent, B. Lamy, H. Marchandin, 2020, Pediatric Research.

C. Turc‐Carel, M. Ticchioni, F. Monpoux, 1998, Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie.

T. Frebourg, Valentina Quarantotti, G. Lefort, 2014, American journal of medical genetics. Part A.

F. Monpoux, N. Sirvent, E. Bérard, 2007, Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie.

Douglas R. McDonald, A. Al-ghonaium, Sami Al-Hajjar, 2010 .

Douglas R. McDonald, A. Al-ghonaium, Sami Al-Hajjar, 2010, Medicine.

A. Baruchel, H. Cavé, S. Gazal, 2014, Journal of Medical Genetics.

D. Ranchère‐Vince, F. Pedeutour, N. Sirvent, 2012, Pediatric blood & cancer.

I. Coupier, M. Gauthier‐Villars, C. Abadie, 2012, Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie.