D. Khraiche


J. Jais, Y. Hamel, François-Xavier Mauvais, 2018, Molecular genetics and metabolism.

Jérémie F. Cohen, D. Khraiche, J. Toubiana, 2021, Clinical chemistry.

S. Kutty, D. Khraiche, D. Bonnet, 2013, Pediatric Radiology.

D. Khraiche, D. Bonnet, F. Bajolle, 2017, Archives of cardiovascular diseases.

N. Martini, N. Boddaert, G. Aquaro, 2022, International journal of cardiology.

N. Boddaert, D. Khraiche, D. Bonnet, 2019, International journal of cardiology.

N. Martini, N. Boddaert, G. Aquaro, 2020, International journal of cardiology.

N. Boddaert, G. Aquaro, D. De Marchi, 2017, JACC. Cardiovascular imaging.

J. Thalabard, D. Celermajer, D. Khraiche, 2013, The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.

T. Ojala, J. Mogensen, R. Weintraub, 2022, Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

C. Delacourt, N. Lelong, D. Khraiche, 2021, Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie.

S. Chevret, M. Laredo, D. Khraiche, 2018, The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.

D. Khraiche, P. Vouhé, M. Osborne-Pellegrin, 2021, The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.

N. Martini, N. Boddaert, G. Aquaro, 2020, JACC. Cardiovascular imaging.

N. Boddaert, D. Khraiche, D. Bonnet, 2018, Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics.

M. Tanter, M. Pernot, M. Correia, 2017, JACC. Cardiovascular imaging.

C. Rooryck, P. Richard, T. Attié-Bitach, 2023, Clinical genetics.

C. Barnérias, I. Desguerre, M. Hully, 2023, Molecular genetics and metabolism.

D. Khraiche, D. Bonnet, V. Fressart, 2022, Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology.

F. Ader, P. Groote, P. Réant, 2020, Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements.

M. Tanter, M. Correia, D. Khraiche, 2017, JACC. Cardiovascular imaging.

N. Boddaert, D. Khraiche, D. Bonnet, 2018, Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics.