E. Pouydebat


Thomas Feix, A. Dollar, T. Kivell, 2015, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

E. Pouydebat, Justine Philippon, Marie Cibot, 2016, International Journal of Primatology.

A. Herrel, F. Aujard, E. Pouydebat, 2017, International Journal of Primatology.

C. Wall, E. Pouydebat, L. Peckre, 2019, Journal of Experimental Biology.

Ameline Bardo, E. Pouydebat, R. Cornette, 2017, American journal of physical anthropology.

B. Simmen, Jean-Pascal Guéry, Ameline Bardo, 2022, American journal of primatology.

Ameline Bardo, E. Pouydebat, 2019, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Christopher J. Dunmore, T. Kivell, M. Moncel, 2020, Scientific Reports.

A. Herrel, F. Aujard, I. Hardy, 2016, International Journal of Primatology.

O. Duron, M. Buysse, N. Rahola, 2023, Parasites & Vectors.

Emmanuelle Pouydebat, Virginia Abdala, Anthony Herrel, 2013, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

T. Breuer, C. Tennie, Aurore San-Galli, 2022, Scientific Reports.

T. Breuer, C. Tennie, Aurore San-Galli, 2022, Scientific reports.

T. Breuer, Aurore San-Galli, E. Pouydebat, 2018, American journal of physical anthropology.

D. Fragaszy, T. Kivell, E. Pouydebat, 2014, BMSAP.

Laurence Chèze, Emmanuelle Pouydebat, Alice Rodriguez, 2020, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

V. Bels, E. Pouydebat, E. Reghem, 2011, Folia Primatologica.

C. Wall, E. Pouydebat, J. Hambuckers, 2019, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Emmanuelle Pouydebat, Laurence Chèze, L. Chèze, 2013, Journal of human evolution.

E. Pouydebat, Juliette Aychet, G. Boulinguez-Ambroise, 2022, Symmetry.

H. Meunier, Ameline Bardo, E. Pouydebat, 2015, Journal of human evolution.

Philippe Gorce, Antony Borel, Emmanuelle Pouydebat, 2011, Behavioural Brain Research.

A. Herrel, E. Pouydebat, G. Boulinguez-Ambroise, 2020, Journal of human evolution.

Philippe Gorce, Emmanuelle Pouydebat, Vincent Bels, 2009, Journal of biomechanics.

A. Herrel, F. Aujard, E. Pouydebat, 2016 .

A. Meguerditchian, E. Pouydebat, G. Boulinguez-Ambroise, 2021, Developmental science.

A. Meguerditchian, E. Pouydebat, G. Boulinguez-Ambroise, 2020, Scientific Reports.

A. Herrel, C. Ross, F. Aujard, 2015 .

G. Slater, E. Pouydebat, Anne‐Claire Fabre, 2013, Journal of evolutionary biology.

V. Bels, M. Marzke, P. Gorce, 2009, Journal of evolutionary biology.

P Gorce, V. Bels, P. Gorce, 2008, Journal of evolutionary biology.

E. Pouydebat, R. Cornette, Arnaud Delapré, 2022, MethodsX.

A. Herrel, F. Aujard, E. Pouydebat, 2019, Journal of Zoology.

A. Herrel, E. Pouydebat, A. Borel, 2020, Belgian Journal of Zoology.

Philippe Souères, Emmanuelle Pouydebat, Bruno Watier, 2018, Living Machines.

C. Wall, E. Pouydebat, Anne‐Claire Fabre, 2018, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.

L. Chèze, Y. Coppens, E. Pouydebat, 2013, Journal of human evolution.

A. Herrel, J. Young, A. Meguerditchian, 2021, American journal of physical anthropology.

P. Gorce, E. Pouydebat, A. Borel, 2011, Behavioural Brain Research.

V. Bels, P. Gorce, Y. Coppens, 2006, American Journal of Primatology.