B. Aysin


B. Aysin, E. Aysin, 2006, 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

V. Shusterman, B. Aysin, V Shusterman, 2001, Circulation research.

J. Colombo, B. Aysin, E. Aysin, 2007, 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

V. Shusterman, L. Chaparro, B. Aysin, 1998, Proceedings of the IEEE-SP International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis (Cat. No.98TH8380).

Fabio Badilini, Jay W Mason, Martino Vaglio, 2016, Journal of electrocardiology.

Benhur Aysin, Anna Beigel, Vladimir Shusterman, 2002, Journal of electrocardiology.

V. Shusterman, D. Schwartzman, R. Weiss, 2000, American heart journal.

V. Shusterman, D. Schwartzman, R. Weiss, 1999, Journal of electrocardiology.

G. Ermentrout, V. Shusterman, D. Schwartzman, 2003, Journal of electrocardiology.

Vladimir Shusterman, Luis F. Chaparro, Ilan Grave, 2005, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.

V. Shusterman, B. Aysin, V. Gottipaty, 1999, Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology.