M. Abitbol


D. Hume, A. Cumano, F. Geissmann, 2009, The Journal of experimental medicine.

P. Rosenfeld, T. Dryja, E. Berson, 1998, Science.

D. Lacombe, D. Bonneau, H. Dollfus, 2006, BMC Medical Genetics.

D. Bertrand, A. Malafosse, P. Vallet, 1998, Brain research. Molecular brain research.

J. Beckmann, D. Davidson, T. Strachan, 1997, Nature Genetics.

M. Wegner, F. Encha-Razavi, M. Goossens, 1998, FEBS letters.

P. Kamoun, J. Demaille, J. Dufier, 1999, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

H. Prats, J. Dufier, M. Abitbol, 1999, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

J. Dufier, M. Abitbol, M. Ménasche, 2001, Current eye research.

F. Mascarelli, F. Behar-Cohen, L. Jonet, 2019, Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.

M. Vidaud, M. Vekemans, D. Bellet, 1998, Molecular reproduction and development.

D. B. Hales, M. Abitbol, D. Marchant, 2003, Comptes rendus biologies.

A. Munnich, S. Lyonnet, M. Vekemans, 1998, American journal of medical genetics.

J. Dufier, K. Gogat, F. Revah, 1998, Human molecular genetics.

J. Dufier, M. Abitbol, M. Ménasche, 2008, Molecular vision.

C. Orssaud, D. Schorderet, F. Munier, 2006, Molecular vision.

J. Dufier, M. Abitbol, M. Neuner-Jehle, 2000, Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.

M. Vacher, K. Bigot, A. Campalans, 2009, Molecular vision.

M. Abitbol, M. Guerre-Millo, S. Turban, 2002, Comptes rendus biologies.

D. Schorderet, C. Bonny, F. Munier, 2000, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

C. Klein, D. Hicks, M. Abitbol, 2016, Experimental eye research.

M. Abitbol, D. Bremond-Gignac, M. Robert, 2022, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

J. Jais, I. Bièche, M. Vidaud, 2007, Stroke.

J. Dufier, M. Abitbol, 1998, Nature Medicine.

D. Bertrand, A. Malafosse, C. Agulhon, 1999, Neuroreport.

K. Bigot, C. Masson, Julia Leemput, 2009, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

J. Dufier, M. Abitbol, T. Brue, 2011, Journal of molecular endocrinology.

M. Walter, O. Lehmann, A. Waskiewicz, 2010, Human molecular genetics.

J. Jais, J. Martinou, J. Ameisen, 2003, Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists.

C. Antignac, M. Gubler, G. Hamard, 2002, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

E. Héon, J. Sutherland, J. Dufier, 2003, Ophthalmic genetics.

H. Dollfus, E. Héon, J. Sutherland, 2001, Human mutation.

S. Taviaux, M. Abitbol, P. Jay, 1997, Human molecular genetics.

B. Poll-The, J. Saudubray, J. Dufier, 2005, European Journal of Pediatrics.

A. Penfornis, M. Abitbol, S. Borot, 2012, Annales d'endocrinologie.

J. Leemput, C. Masson, M. Abitbol, 2007, Molecular vision.

D. Schorderet, F. Munier, L. Tiab, 2008, American journal of human genetics.

C. Petit, A. El-Amraoui, J. Dufier, 1997, Anatomy and Embryology.

V. Drouin‐Garraud, D. Bonneau, R. Fischmeister, 2006, Journal of Medical Genetics.

O. Gribouval, A. Basak, M. Abitbol, 2003, Journal of medical genetics.

E. Dufour, K. Gogat, M. Abitbol, 2004, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

K. Bigot, S. Aoufouchi, C. Masson, 2009, Molecular vision.

P. Ascher, B. Plaud, E. Krejci, 2012, Journal of neurochemistry.

K. Gogat, M. Abitbol, B. Gasser, 2004, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

P. Czernichow, J. Pantel, S. Amselem, 2001, American journal of human genetics.

C. Orssaud, L. Bachner, J. Dufier, 1998, American journal of human genetics.

F. Crozet, C. Petit, D. Weil, 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

M. Golzio, J. Teissié, S. Chouaib, 2011, The Journal of experimental medicine.

T. Prete, J. Dufier, M. Abitbol, 1987, Journal francais d'ophtalmologie.

M. Abitbol, D. Bremond-Gignac, M. Robert, 2021, Retina.

F. Behar-Cohen, K. Bigot, B. Staels, 2009, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

B. Aral, M. Abitbol, C. Marsac, 2002, Molecular genetics and metabolism.

M. Zeviani, I. Desguerre, F. Fouque, 2001, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

N. Boddaert, M. Abitbol, D. Bremond-Gignac, 2017, European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society.

H. Dollfus, P. Jonveaux, J. Dufier, 1998, American journal of ophthalmology.

J. Mallet, M. Vekemans, M. Gérard, 1995, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la vie.

F. Behar-Cohen, M. Abitbol, M. El Sanharawi, 2022, Molecular vision.

A. Malafosse, C. Moraine, V. Biancalana, 1999, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

A. Zettl, P. Ströbel, M. Abitbol, 2004, British Journal of Ophthalmology.

D. Schorderet, F. Munier, V. Vaclavik, 2016, Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd.

D. Schorderet, F. Munier, J. Dufier, 1998, Human mutation.