S. Vidal-Sicart


J. Malvehy, S. Puig, D. Glass, 2015, International journal of cancer.

W. Vogel, S. Vidal-Sicart, T. S. Aukema, 2010, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Valdés Olmos, 2012, Journal of oncology.

S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Valdés-Olmos, O. Brouwer, 2013, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

Tessa Buckle, Sergi Vidal-Sicart, T. Buckle, 2016, The British journal of radiology.

D. Rubello, G. Mariani, F. Giammarile, 2017, The quarterly journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging : official publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) [and] the International Association of Radiopharmacology (IAR), [and] Section of the Society of....

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Valdés Olmos, 2016, Clinical and Translational Imaging.

Thijs Engelen, Sergi Vidal-Sicart, N. S. van den Berg, 2015, American journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.

S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Olmos, D. Rietbergen, 2018, Melanoma management.

G. Mariani, F. Orsini, F. Giammarile, 2017 .

G. Mariani, F. Giammarile, R. V. Valdés Olmos, 2014, The quarterly journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging : official publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) [and] the International Association of Radiopharmacology (IAR), [and] Section of the Society of....

G. Mariani, H. Strauss, R. V. Valdés Olmos, 2021, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

A. Gesierich, R. Elashoff, R. Dummer, 2017, The New England journal of medicine.

S. Vidal-Sicart, A. Collarino, V. Feudo, 2021, Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences.

S. Vidal-Sicart, A. Collarino, Annalisa Zurru, 2020, Atlas of Lymphoscintigraphy and Sentinel Node Mapping.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, G. Perotti, 2016, Clinical and Translational Imaging.

O. Nieweg, R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2014, Melanoma management.

S. Vidal-Sicart, P. Paredes, 2020, Atlas of Lymphoscintigraphy and Sentinel Node Mapping.

S. Albela, S. Vidal-Sicart, P. Paredes, 2013, Gynecologic oncology.

C. Conill, J. Domingo-Doménech, A. Vilalta, 2009, Clinical & translational oncology : official publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National Cancer Institute of Mexico.

S. Puig, J. Palou, A. Vilalta, 2003, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

D. Vera, R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2018, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

G. Mariani, F. Orsini, F. Giammarile, 2016 .

D. Fuster, J. J. Mateos, F. Martín, 2001, Nuclear medicine communications.

S. Vidal-Sicart, P. Paredes, Z. Nogareda, 2015, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

G. Santamaría, M. Velasco, B. Farrús, 2005, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

J. Ordi, F. Martín, M. Ortega, 2007, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

J. Ordi, F. Lomeña, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2017, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

N. S. van den Berg, H. G. van der Poel, F. Liedberg, 2017, European urology.

T. Maurer, M. Wenzel, R. V. Valdés Olmos, 2021, The quarterly journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging : official publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) [and] the International Association of Radiopharmacology (IAR), [and] Section of the Society of....

W. Vogel, S. Vidal-Sicart, T. S. Aukema, 2010, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear.

S. Vidal-Sicart, P. García-Talavera, P. Razola, 2014, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

S. Vidal-Sicart, P. García-Talavera, P. Razola, 2014 .

N. S. van den Berg, R. V. Valdés Olmos, F. V. van Leeuwen, 2013, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

G. Mariani, F. Orsini, F. Giammarile, 2016 .

I. Vollmer, S. Vidal-Sicart, P. Paredes, 2021, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

D. Fuster, J. Setoain, R. Herranz, 1997, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

S. Rubí, S. Vidal-Sicart, P. Paredes, 2014, Clinical nuclear medicine.

D. Rubello, S. Vidal-Sicart, F. Pons, 2011, PET clinics.

D. Fuster, F. Pons, P. Peris, 2009, Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Valdés Olmos, 2022, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

J. Setoain, R. Herranz, F. Setoain, 1999, Nuclear medicine communications.

S. Vidal-Sicart, P. Paredes, D. Hellingman, 2016, Clinical nuclear medicine.

G. Mariani, F. Giammarile, R. V. Valdés Olmos, 2014, The quarterly journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging : official publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) [and] the International Association of Radiopharmacology (IAR), [and] Section of the Society of....

D. Fuster, S. Vidal-Sicart, A. Tapias, 2018, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

A. Vilalta, O. Nieweg, B. Kroon, 2007, European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology.

G. Santamaría, M. Velasco, P. Fernández, 2005, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

D. Rubello, P. Colletti, R. V. Valdés Olmos, 2020, Clinical nuclear medicine.

S. Puig, J. Palou, A. Vilalta, 2004, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

J. Ordi, M. Ortega, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2004, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear.

N. S. van den Berg, R. V. Valdés Olmos, F. V. van Leeuwen, 2015, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

N. Guañabens, P. Peris, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2016, Rheumatology.

J. Malvehy, S. Puig, C. Robert, 2015, European journal of cancer.

S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Valdés-Olmos, O. Brouwer, 2011, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear.

J. Visa, R. Herranz, R. Rull, 2001, The European journal of surgery = Acta chirurgica.

J. Setoain, R. Herranz, R. Sanmartí, 1996, Nuclear medicine communications.

Francesc Botet, S. Vidal-Sicart, J. Figueras-Aloy, 2014, The Journal of pediatrics.

M. Mihm, B. Hesse, R. Scolyer, 2009, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

F. Vilchez-Cavazos, C. Acosta-Olivo, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2014, Cirugia y cirujanos.

J. Malvehy, S. Puig, C. Carrera, 2015, The British journal of dermatology.

D. Fuster, C. Conill, R. Herranz, 2000, Nuclear medicine communications.

S. Vidal-Sicart, A. Vilalta Solsona, M. I. Alonso Vargas, 2015, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

M. Navasa, J. Rodés, D. Fuster, 1999, Clinical nuclear medicine.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, D. Rietbergen, 2020, Atlas of Lymphoscintigraphy and Sentinel Node Mapping.

G. Mariani, F. Orsini, F. Giammarile, 2019, Nuclear Medicine Textbook.

A. Giuliano, G. Mariani, F. Orsini, 2016 .

S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Olmos, Renato A. Valdés Olmos, 2021, Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences.

S. Vidal-Sicart, P. Paredes, E. García-Díez, 2015, Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery : official publication of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.

J. Malvehy, S. Puig, P. Cassoni, 2020, European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology.

S. Vidal-Sicart, E. G. Gironés, S. F. Cabero, 2019, Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular (English Edition).

J. Malvehy, S. Puig, A. Bennássar, 2017 .

Sergi Vidal-Sicart, David Fuster, D. Fuster, 1997, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

J. Malvehy, S. Puig, Marcelo Sánchez, 2019, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

G. Mariani, F. Orsini, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2013 .

Sergi Vidal-Sicart, Jaume Pahisa, Xavier Caparrós, 2010, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

S. Vidal-Sicart, A. Solsona, M. Vargas, 2015 .

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, D. Rietbergen, 2021, Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences.

Francesco Giammarile, Renato A. Valdés Olmos, Giuliano Mariani, 2013 .

G. Santamaría, M. Velasco, B. Farrús, 2004, International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.

S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Olmos, O. Brouwer, 2021, Clinical Applications of SPECT-CT.

Sergi Vidal-Sicart, Renato A. Valdés Olmos, R. V. Valdés Olmos, 2014, Clinical and Translational Imaging.

S. Rubí, F. Pons, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2008, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear.

J. Palou, R. Herranz, S. Vidal-Sicart, 1998, Clinical nuclear medicine.

G. Mariani, F. Giammarile, O. Pellet, 2022, Seminars in nuclear medicine.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Valdés Olmos, 2020, Atlas of Lymphoscintigraphy and Sentinel Node Mapping.

S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Valdés Olmos, 2017, Medicina clinica.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, F. V. van Leeuwen, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2016, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

Sergi Vidal-Sicart, Renato A. Valdés Olmos, Omgo E. Nieweg, 2010, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

Sergi Vidal-Sicart, Renato A. Valdés Olmos, Omgo E. Nieweg, 2008, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

J. Pavía, R. Herranz, F. Pons, 1999, Nuclear medicine communications.

F. Lomeña, J. Setoain, C. Ayuso, 1997, Nuclear medicine communications.

S. Vidal-Sicart, A. Perissinotti, N. Sánchez-Izquierdo, 2022, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

S. Vidal-Sicart, P. Paredes, B. Díaz-Feijóo, 2022, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer.

G. Mariani, F. Orsini, F. Giammarile, 2021, Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences.

L. de Geus-Oei, G. Scambia, F. Giammarile, 2020, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

S. Vidal-Sicart, M. Tormo-Ratera, F. J. Cuesta-González, 2022, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

J. Pavía, S. Rubí, N. Roé, 2008, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

D. Ramírez, S. Vidal-Sicart, A. Piñero, 2013, Clinical and Translational Oncology.

I. Vilaseca, S. Vidal-Sicart, A. Muxi, 2019, Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular (English Edition).

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, P. Paredes, 2017, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

Sergi Vidal-Sicart, Antonio Seva, Francisco Campos, 2018, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.

Francisco Lomeña, Sergi Vidal-Sicart, Jaume Pahisa, 2017, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2023, Clinical and Translational Imaging.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, D. Rietbergen, 2023, Clinical and Translational Imaging.

Sergi Vidal-Sicart, Jaume Pahisa, Pilar Paredes, 2009 .

S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Ruano Pérez, J. M. Cordero García, 2018, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

S. Vidal-Sicart, M. E. Rioja-Martín, F. Nicolás-Ruiz, 2020, Journal of surgical oncology.

S. Vidal-Sicart, J. Duch, F. Pons, 2009, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear.

M. Velasco, S. Vidal-Sicart, F. Pons, 2007, Clinical Nuclear Medicine.

R. Herranz, F. Setoain, R. Sanmartí, 1997, Clinical nuclear medicine.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Olmos, 2015, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, M. Keshtgar, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2014, The quarterly journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging : official publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) [and] the International Association of Radiopharmacology (IAR), [and] Section of the Society of....

Sergi Vidal-Sicart, Pilar Paredes, Lenka Vermeeren, 2011, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

S. Vidal-Sicart, B. Díaz-Feijóo, A. Torné, 2023, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer.

P. Alongi, S. Vidal-Sicart, P. Zucchetta, 2020, Clinical and Translational Imaging.

R. V. Valdés Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2023, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Olmos, L. Arias-Bouda, 2021, Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences.

C. Fondevila, D. Fuster, S. Vidal-Sicart, 2018, The quarterly journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging : official publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) [and] the International Association of Radiopharmacology (IAR), [and] Section of the Society of....

R. A. Valdés-Olmos, S. Vidal-Sicart, R. Valdés-Olmos, 2011, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear.

Frederick D. Grant, F. Giammarile, K. Donohoe, 2023, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

F. Hamdy, R. V. Valdés Olmos, M. V. van Oosterom, 2023, European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.

S. Vidal-Sicart, C. Bluemel, A. Tapias, 2017, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular.

S. Vidal-Sicart, A. Mestre-Fusco, J. Fuertes, 2011, Revista espanola de medicina nuclear.

S. Vidal-Sicart, A. Mestre-Fusco, J. Fuertes, 2011 .

F. Lomeña, R. Herranz, F. Setoain, 1996, Clinical nuclear medicine.

B. Hadaschik, K. Goffin, J. Walz, 2023, Clinical nuclear medicine.

Francesco Giammarile, Renato A. Valdés Olmos, Giuliano Mariani, 2011, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.