Åsa Audulv


K. Norbergh, Åsa Audulv, K. Asplund, 2012, Qualitative health research.

L. Kristiansen, Åsa Audulv, A. Björk, 2018, Perspectives in psychiatric care.

S. Lundell, K. Wadell, Ulla-Maija Pesola, 2022, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

T. Packer, G. Kephart, Åsa Audulv, 2015, Quality of Life Research.

I. Enmarker, L. Kristiansen, Åsa Audulv, 2018, International journal of mental health nursing.

L. Fegran, M. Ludvigsen, E. Hall, 2022, BMC Medical Research Methodology.

L. Fegran, M. Ludvigsen, H. Aagaard, 2022, Journal of Neonatal Nursing.

K. Norbergh, Åsa Audulv, K. Asplund, 2010, Patient education and counseling.

T. Packer, G. Kephart, S. Hutchinson, 2020, Patient education and counseling.

S. Strand, H. Olsson, Åsa Audulv, 2015, Archives of psychiatric nursing.