E. Kiziltan


O. Doğan, V. Şar, G. Akyüz, 2004, The American journal of psychiatry.

E. Kiziltan, M. Şaylan, A. Uçok, 2002, Journal of affective disorders.

E. Kiziltan, R. Dişçi, B. Yucel, 2005, Headache.

E. Kiziltan, M. Aktan, B. Yücel, 2000, Psychosomatics.

E. Kiziltan, T. Demir, D. Demir, 2001, European Psychiatry.

V. Şar, E. Kiziltan, H. Tutkun, 1998, The American journal of psychiatry.

E. Kiziltan, T. Demir, D. Demir, 2001, European Psychiatry.

V. Şar, T. Kundakçi, E. Kiziltan, 2014, Journal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation.