B. Claus


K. Boussery, K. Pauwels, B. Claus, 2015, Journal de pharmacie de Belgique.

F. Turck, K. Colpaert, J. Decruyenaere, 2015, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.

B. Claus, S. Vanhaesebrouck, A. Somers, 2021, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.

Y. Benoît, B. Claus, H. Robays, 2012, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.

S. Simoens, K. Norga, I. Huys, 2016, Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners.

G. Laureys, B. Claus, T. Bauters, 2019, Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners.

B. Claus, H. Robays, Fien M. R. Vandeputte, 2012, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.

B. Claus, D. Vogelaers, H. Robays, 2010, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

Kaat De Pourcq, P. Gemmel, B. Claus, 2017, European journal of hospital pharmacy. Science and practice.

F. Haerynck, B. Claus, S. Snauwaert, 2015, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.

B. Claus, 2018, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.