O. Coutard


Olivier Coutard, O. Coutard, 1999 .

Rae Zimmerman, Olivier Coutard, Richard E. Hanley, 2004 .

Simon Guy, Olivier Coutard, S. Guy, 2007 .

Bernard de Gouvello, Ali Belmeziti, Olivier Coutard, 2014, Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research.

Jonathan Rutherford, Olivier Coutard, Jonathan Rutherford, 2014 .

Jonathan Rutherford, Olivier Coutard, Jonathan Rutherford, 2010, Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag..

Jonathan Rutherford, O. Coutard, D. Florentin, 2014 .

O. Coutard, D. Florentin, 2022, Journal of Urban Technology.

O. Coutard, Benjamin Bothereau, Joel Tarr, 2023, Flux.

Jonathan Rutherford, O. Coutard, 2015 .

G. Finnveden, P. Nijkamp, D. Robinson, 2014 .