Y. Michel-Briand


Y. Michel-Briand, C. Baysse, 2002, Biochimie.

M. Couturier, Y. Michel-Briand, C. Llanes, 1994, Journal of bacteriology.

E. Bingen, Y. Michel-Briand, N. Marty, 1997, Journal of clinical microbiology.

M. Couturier, F. Grimont, Y. Michel-Briand, 1994, Research in microbiology.

J. Ouazzani, Y. Michel-Briand, P. Plésiat, 1997, Applied and environmental microbiology.

C. Duport, Y. Michel-Briand, C. Baysse, 1995, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

M. Delmée, Y. Michel-Briand, D. Talon, 1995, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

Y. Michel-Briand, D. Talon, M. Thouverez, 1996, The Journal of applied bacteriology.

M. Jouvenot, Y. Michel-Briand, V. Stanisich, 1977, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

M. Deschaseaux, R. Cooksey, G. Adessi, 1987, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

B. Delbosc, Y. Michel-Briand, M. Massé, 1995, Journal francais d'ophtalmologie.

Y. Michel-Briand, P. Plésiat, J. M. Laporte, 1986, The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy.

Y. Michel-Briand, P. Plésiat, B. Alkhalaf, 1988, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

Y. Michel-Briand, C. Rousse, J. Royer, 1978, Bulletin des societes d'ophtalmologie de France.

P. Sansonetti, Y. Michel-Briand, J. M. Laporte, 1986, Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Microbiology.

J. Viel, Y. Michel-Briand, D. Talon, 1995, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

Y. Michel-Briand, P. Plésiat, J. Cahn, 1987, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

P. Nordmann, T. Naas, C. Duport, 1993, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

Y. Michel-Briand, M. Thouverez, M. Dupont, 1989, Presse medicale.

Y. Michel-Briand, J. M. Laporte, 1985, Journal of general microbiology.

M. Jouvenot, Y. Michel-Briand, M. Dupont, 1985, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

M. Jouvenot, Y. Michel-Briand, M. Dupont, 1981, The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy.

J. Riou, Y. Michel-Briand, P. Plésiat, 1995, Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

E. Bingen, Y. Michel-Briand, C. Segonds, 1996, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

Y. Michel-Briand, D. Talon, J. Cahn, 1994, The Journal of hospital infection.

Y. Michel-Briand, J. M. Laporte, A. Bassignot, 1983, Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la vie.