Pin Ren


Bruce Gooch, Pin Ren, John Kristoff, 2006, VizSEC '06.

Benjamin Watson, Pin Ren, 2004, IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization.

Yan Gao, Benjamin Watson, Yan Chen, 2005, IEEE Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security, 2005. (VizSEC 05)..

Benjamin Watson, Thomas Lechner, Pin Ren, 2006, SIGGRAPH '06.

Benjamin Watson, Bruce Gooch, Pin Ren, 2006, SIGGRAPH '06.

Yan Gao, Benjamin Watson, Yan Chen, 2006, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

Xingjun Wang, Pin Ren, 2014, 2014 IEEE 5th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science.

Thomas Lechner, Bruce Gooch, David S. Channin, 2006, SIGGRAPH '06.