Ying Zou


Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, 2011, 2011 13th IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution (WSE).

Shaohua Wang, Yu Zhao, Ying Zou, 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS).

Shaohua Wang, Yu Zhao, Ying Zou, 2016, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS).

Ying Zou, Daniel Alencar da Costa, Omar El Zarif, 2020, MSR.

Qi Zhang, Ying Zou, Igor Ivkovic, 2004, 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2004. Proceedings..

Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, 2014, Web Services Foundations.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2012, 2012 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM).

Ying Zou, Jen Hawkins, Xulin Zhao, 2007, MODELS'07.

Ji Wu, Kenny Wong, Ying Zou, 2011, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.

Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, Jin Quo, 2007, International Workshop on Systems Development in SOA Environments (SDSOA'07: ICSE Workshops 2007).

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, 2003, Proceedings 27th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference. COMPAC 2003.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Thierry Lavoie, 2012, 2012 19th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Ying Zou, Jin Guo, Ying Zou, 2008, 2008 15th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

John Mylopoulos, Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, 1999, CASCON.

Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, Juergen Rilling, 2014, ICSE.

Yijun Yu, John Mylopoulos, Ying Zou, 2005, 12th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'05).

Foutse Khomh, Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, 2015, Int. J. Bus. Process. Integr. Manag..

Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, Feng Zhang, 2018, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Yirong Wang, Ying Zou, Junfeng Shi, 2016, Int. J. Reason. based Intell. Syst..

Shaohua Wang, Ying Zou, Joanna W. Ng, 2015, 2015 IEEE World Congress on Services.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Dave Dietz, 2011, 2011 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM).

Ying Zou, 2004, 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2004. Proceedings..

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Quan Zheng, 2016, 2016 IEEE/ACM 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).

Ying Zou, Guoliang Zhao, Daniel Alencar da Costa, 2019, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, 2003, Eleventh Annual International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering Practice.

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, 2000, EDO.

Foutse Khomh, Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, 2012, 2012 Fifth IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA).

Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, Joanna W. Ng, 2011, Service Oriented Computing and Applications.

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Bram Adams, 2010, 2010 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2014, J. Softw. Evol. Process..

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Tejinder Dhaliwal, 2011, 2011 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM).

Ying Zou, Ran Tang, Ying Zou, 2010, 2010 12th IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution (WSE).

Ying Zou, Jian Chen, Thomas R. Dean, 2015, Journal of Computer Science and Technology.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Xulin Zhao, 2011, 2011 11th International Conference on Quality Software.

Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, Joanna W. Ng, 2010, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Web Services.

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, Terence C. Lau, 2004, 11th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Ying Zou, Brian Chan, Lionel Marks, 2008, 2008 10th International Symposium on Web Site Evolution.

Shaohua Wang, Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, 2014, ICSOC.

Shaohua Wang, Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, 2017, Software Quality Journal.

Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, Lionel Marks, 2013, CASCON.

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, 2001 .

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Ran Tang, 2009, 2009 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, Joanna W. Ng, 2010, CASCON.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Liliane Barbour, 2013, J. Softw. Evol. Process..

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Anand Sinha, 2010, 2010 IEEE 18th International Conference on Program Comprehension.

Ying Zou, Heng Li, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2016, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, Feng Zhang, 2017, Empirical Software Engineering.

Qiang Li, Ying Zou, Gang Yang, 2016, 2016 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP).

Ying Zou, Maokeng Hung, King Chun Foo, 2009, J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract..

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Shuai Xie, 2013, 2013 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR).

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Bram Adams, 2012, 2012 9th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR).

Shaohua Wang, Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, 2013, SERVICES.

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, 2000, CASCON.

Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, Joanna W. Ng, 2014, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services.

Ying Zou, Ehsan Noei, Feng Zhang, 2019, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Baocang Wang, Yuan Ping, 2020, Secur. Commun. Networks.

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, 2005 .

Shaohua Wang, Ying Zou, Joanna W. Ng, 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC).

Ying Zou, King Chun Foo, Gehan M. K. Selim, 2010, 2010 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Ying Zou, Shane McIntosh, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2011, 2011 13th IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution (WSE).

Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, Ran Tang, 2013, J. Softw. Evol. Process..

Ying Zou, Feng Zhang, Mariam El Mezouar, 2019, Empirical Software Engineering.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2011, 2011 18th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Ying Zou, Ehsan Noei, Daniel Alencar da Costa, 2018, ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Seyyed Ehsan Salamati Taba, 2013, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance.

Qi Zhang, Ying Zou, Qi Zhang, 2005, 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'05).

Shaohua Wang, Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, 2013, 2013 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR).

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Liliane Barbour, 2011, 2011 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM).

Foutse Khomh, Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, 2011, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Web Services.

Ying Zou, King Chun Foo, Jin Guo, 2008, 2008 ACM/IEEE 30th International Conference on Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Xulin Zhao, Ying Zou, 2011, Softw. Pract. Exp..

Ying Zou, Feng Zhang, Mariam El Mezouar, 2017, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Bram Adams, 2011, 2011 IEEE 11th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation.

Foutse Khomh, Hao Yuan, Ying Zou, 2012, 2012 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM).

Ying Zou, Michael Lerner, Alex Leung, 2008, J. Object Technol..

Ying Zou, Shane McIntosh, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, King Chun Foo, Brian Chan, 2009, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, 2002, International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2002. Proceedings..

Ying Zou, Robert S. H. Istepanian, Tom Geake, 2006, J. Mobile Multimedia.

Ying Zou, Ran Tang, 2010, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Web Services.

Ying Zou, Ran Tang, 2010, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA).

Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, 2013, The Personal Web.

Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, Haoran Niu, 2017, J. Syst. Softw..

Ying Zou, Ge Zhang, Leian Liu, 2019, J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent..

Ying Zou, Xulin Zhao, 2010, 2010 10th International Conference on Quality Software.

Ying Zou, Daniel Alencar da Costa, Aidan Z. H. Yang, 2019, 2019 IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR).

Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, Haoran Niu, 2017, Empirical Software Engineering.

Adriaan J. de Lind van Wijngaarden, Ying Zou, Hiroyoshi Morita, 2009, GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference.

Ying Zou, Maokeng Hung, 2007, 15th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC '07).

Shaohua Wang, Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, 2014, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, 2014, 2014 Software Evolution Week - IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering, and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE).

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, 2001, Proceedings Eighth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference.

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Bram Adams, 2012, 2012 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM).

Shaohua Wang, Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing.

Foutse Khomh, Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, 2012, 2012 Fifth IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA).

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2012, 2012 19th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Audris Mockus, Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, 2013, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance.

Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, Joanna W. Ng, 2009, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA).

Shaohua Wang, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2016, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS).

Ying Zou, Feng Zhang, Mariam El Mezouar, 2016, CASCON.

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Bram Adams, 2009, 2009 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2012, 2012 19th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Ying Zou, HaiBo Zhu, 2008, Seventh IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (icis 2008).

Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, Joanna W. Ng, 2011, CASCON.

Qi Zhang, Ying Zou, Rongchao Chen, 2006, 2006 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance.

Shaohua Wang, Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, 2014, Empirical Software Engineering.

Foutse Khomh, Ying Zou, Bram Adams, 2015, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, Feng Zhang, 2015, 2015 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER).

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Bram Adams, 2009, 2009 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Ying Zou, Jin Guo, Ying Zou, 2008, 2008 15th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering.

Ying Zou, Xiangji Huang, Aijun An, 2005, 2005 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing.

Qi Zhang, Ying Zou, Xulin Zhao, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, K. Kontogiannis, 2002, Ninth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 2002..

Audris Mockus, Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, 2016, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Zhen Ming Jiang, 2015, 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.

Shaohua Wang, Ying Zou, Joanna W. Ng, 2015, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Web Services.

Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, Joanna W. Ng, 2009, CASCON.

Cor-Paul Bezemer, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2018, Empirical Software Engineering.

Shaohua Wang, Ying Zou, Seyyed Ehsan Salamati Taba, 2017, J. Syst. Softw..

Haoxiang Zhang, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2019, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Shaohua Wang, Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, 2013, ICSOC.

Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, Joanna W. Ng, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing.

Shaohua Wang, Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, 2013, 2013 IEEE Ninth World Congress on Services.

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, Michael Athanasopoulos, 2010, CASCON.

Ying Zou, Ehsan Noei, Iman Keivanloo, 2017, Empirical Software Engineering.

Shaohua Wang, Ying Zou, Ehsan Noei, 2019, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Joanna W. Ng, Daniel Alencar da Costa, 2017, CASCON.

Ning Wang, Ying Zou, Du Chang-yu, 2018, Int. J. Inf. Syst. Supply Chain Manag..

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Zhen Ming Jiang, 2011, 2011 International Workshop on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems.

Ying Zou, Daniel Alencar da Costa, Feng Zhang, 2018, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Anand Sinha, 2009, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance.

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Lionel Marks, 2011, Promise '11.

Ying Zou, Wenbin Guo, Minfeng Wei, 2019 .

Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, Joanna W. Ng, 2014, 2014 IEEE World Congress on Services.

Ying Zou, Heng Li, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2016, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Maokeng Hung, Ying Zou, 2006, 14th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'06).

Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, Joanna W. Ng, 2010, The Smart Internet.

Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Zhen Ming Jiang, 2010, 2010 10th International Conference on Quality Software.

Ying Zou, Safwat Hassan, Mariam El Mezouar, 2020, ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol..

Ying Zou, Safwat Hassan, Guoliang Zhao, 2021, ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol..

Xin Xia, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, 2021, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis, 2001 .

Ying Zou, Kostas A. Kontogiannis, 2001 .

Ying Zou, Scott Morisson, Matt Wringe, 2006 .

Ying Zou, Brian Chan, Hua Xiao, 2007 .