S. Kutuzov


D. Petrakov, I. Lavrentiev, G. Nosenko, 2019, Front. Earth Sci..

T. Bolch, T. Pieczonka, S. Kutuzov, 2016, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research.

A. Kääb, M. Stoffel, D. Petrakov, 2016, The Science of the total environment.

Andreas Kääb, Nicolas Eckert, Marten Geertsema, 2019, The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.

T. Khromova, G. Nosenko, S. Kutuzov, 2014 .

T. Painter, S. Gascoin, M. Dumont, 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.

A. Ekaykin, I. Lavrentiev, V. Krupskaya, 2016, Environmental Earth Sciences.

T. Shiraiwa, S. Matoba, Tetsuhide Yamasaki, 2007 .

S. Kutuzov, V. Mikhalenko, M. Legrand, 2022, Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

C. Barbante, N. Kehrwald, M. Vecchiato, 2020, Scientific Reports.

Roger Wheate, William F. Manley, Georg Kaser, 2012 .

L. Thompson, I. Lavrentiev, L. Tian, 2018, Journal of Glaciology.

L. Mona, A. Tobías, K. Lagouvardos, 2022, The Science of the total environment.

C. Barbante, N. Kehrwald, M. Vecchiato, 2020, Scientific Reports.

V. Lipenkov, M. Legrand, S. Sokratov, 2024, Climate of the Past.