Zhan Shi


M. Lagally, S. Coppersmith, R. Joynt, 2010, Physical review letters.

M. Lagally, S. Coppersmith, L. Vandersypen, 2011, Physical review letters.

M. Lagally, S. Coppersmith, R. Joynt, 2010, 1010.5828.

Xuedong Hu, Zhan Shi, John King Gamble, 2011, Physical review letters.

Zhan Shi, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, 2011, 1109.0511.

Zhan Shi, John King Gamble, Mark Friesen, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Zhan Shi, John King Gamble, Mark Friesen, 2013, Nature Communications.

Hendra Ishwara Nurdin, Zhan Shi, H. Nurdin, 2015, Quantum Inf. Comput..

Hendra Ishwara Nurdin, Zhan Shi, H. Nurdin, 2014, 2014 4th Australian Control Conference (AUCC).

M. Lagally, S. Coppersmith, M. Vavilov, 2017, 1701.06971.

Hendra Ishwara Nurdin, Zhan Shi, H. Nurdin, 2013, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

Hendra Ishwara Nurdin, Zhan Shi, H. Nurdin, 2015, 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

Hendra Ishwara Nurdin, Zhan Shi, H. Nurdin, 2015, 2015 American Control Conference (ACC).

Hendra Ishwara Nurdin, Zhan Shi, H. Nurdin, 2014, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

M. Lagally, S. Coppersmith, D. Savage, 2013, Nature Communications.