M. Segerlantz


A. Axmon, G. Ahlström, M. Segerlantz, 2020, Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR.

E. Brun, T. Wiebe, G. Palat, 2018, Journal of palliative medicine.

E. Brun, T. Wiebe, G. Palat, 2019, Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology.

E. Brun, T. Wiebe, G. Palat, 2019, Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology.

E. Brun, G. Palat, Vineela Rapelli, 2021, Indian journal of palliative care.

E. Brun, T. Wiebe, G. Palat, 2018, Journal of palliative medicine.

M. Segerlantz, C. Höijer, H. Thorgeirsson, 2019, Journal of palliative medicine.