Anita Singh


G. Davila, Anita Singh, I. Karapanagiotou, 2003, American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.

Anita Singh, S. Bajwa, S. Bajwa, 2013, International journal of critical illness and injury science.

Anita Singh, S. Bajwa, J. Kaur, 2011, Saudi journal of anaesthesia.

H. Kaur, Anita Singh, S. Bajwa, 2012, Perspectives in clinical research.

Anita Singh, S. Bajwa, J. Kaur, 2011, Saudi journal of anaesthesia.

Anita Singh, Gliceida M. Galarza Fortuna, Israel Ugalde, 2020, Journal of investigative medicine high impact case reports.

Anita Singh, S. Bajwa, J. Kaur, 2011, Indian journal of anaesthesia.

P. Garg, Anita Singh, A. Soni, 2021, The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.

Anita Singh, S. Bajwa, J. Kaur, 2012, International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science.

Anita Singh, S. Bajwa, S. Bajwa, 2012 .

Anita Singh, S. Tiwari, H. Agarwal, 2020, Indian Journal of Surgery.

Anita Singh, R. Chaudhary, S. N. Singh, 2012 .

Anita Singh, S. Tiwari, H. Agarwal, 2020, Tropical doctor.

Anita Singh, S. Bajwa, S. Bajwa, 2011, Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism.

Anita Singh, Abhijeet Biswas, S. Goel, 2022, PARIPEX INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH.

Anita Singh, Shipra Singh, 2016 .

P. Garg, Anita Singh, Anup Thakur, 2018 .

Anita Singh, Anup Thakur, N. Kler, 2017 .

S. Stone, Anita Singh, P. Karachalios, 1996, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics.

S. Shaheen, Anita Singh, N. Malhotra, 2014 .

G. Davila, Anita Singh, I. Karapanagiotou, 2001 .

Anita Singh, Mala Kumar, S. N. Singh, 2014 .

P. Saxena, A. Kumari, Anita Singh, 2022, Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Anita Singh, S. Bajwa, J. Kaur, 2011, Saudi journal of anaesthesia.

Anita Singh, Ayoola Olayiwola, E. Mansour, 2020, Chest.