L. Cerchietti


Alexa B. R. McIntyre, C. Mason, S. Jaffrey, 2020, Scientific Reports.

A. Melnick, L. Cerchietti, Ari Melnick, 2017, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A. Melnick, G. Privé, L. Cerchietti, 2008, Molecular cell.

Michael R. Green, L. Cantley, A. Melnick, 2019, Cancer cell.

Olivier Elemento, David Redmond, Wayne Tam, 2013, Nature Communications.

O. Elemento, A. Melnick, W. Tam, 2013 .

Alexa B. R. McIntyre, C. Mason, S. Jaffrey, 2019, Scientific Reports.

Martin C. Müller, A. Melnick, W. Hofmann, 2011, The Journal of experimental medicine.

R. Gascoyne, P. Farinha, A. Melnick, 2008, Cancer research.

L. Cerchietti, A. Navigante, M. Castro, 2002, Cancer control : journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center.

O. Elemento, A. Melnick, Yanwen Jiang, 2014, bioRxiv.

J. Leonard, S. Manalis, J. Phillip, 2020, bioRxiv.

K. Suhre, J. Krumsiek, H. Al-Amin, 2022, Communications Biology.

A. Melnick, H. Jäck, B. H. Ye, 2009, The Journal of experimental medicine.

Maulik R. Patel, Pallav D. Patel, A. Melnick, 2014, ACS chemical biology.

L. Cerchietti, A. Navigante, M. Castro, 2006, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Melnick, J. Phillip, Wenxuan Du, 2022, bioRxiv.

L. Cerchietti, 2006, Supportive Care in Cancer.

L. Cerchietti, F. Palazzo, A. Navigante, 2000, International journal of palliative nursing.

R. Gascoyne, J. Martinez-Climent, A. Melnick, 2012, Cancer cell.

A. Bird, J. Mariadason, L. Augenlicht, 2006, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

J. Phillip, L. Cerchietti, M. Revuelta, 2022, International journal of molecular sciences.

M. Calvo-Vidal, L. Cerchietti, Nieves Calvo-Vidal, 2013, Current opinion in hematology.

Olivier Elemento, O. Elemento, A. Melnick, 2017, Cancer research.

Kenny Q. Ye, Stefano Monti, John M Greally, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Eugenia G. Giannopoulou, O. Elemento, A. Melnick, 2014, Oncogene.

O. Elemento, J. Leonard, A. Melnick, 2017, Cancer discovery.

Alexander D. MacKerell, Francine E. Garrett-Bakelman, Eugenia G. Giannopoulou, 2013, Cell reports.

Alexander D. MacKerell, Jose M Polo, Alexander D Mackerell, 2010, Cancer cell.

Alexander D. MacKerell, O. Elemento, J. Leonard, 2016, The Journal of clinical investigation.

J. Leonard, A. Melnick, K. Elenitoba-Johnson, 2015, The Journal of clinical investigation.

S. Larson, Jason S. Lewis, A. Melnick, 2011, Nature chemical biology.

J. Leonard, L. Cerchietti, 2013, Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program.

J. Leonard, S. Manalis, J. Phillip, 2021, Cancer Research.

V. Cowling, K. Borden, B. Culjkovic-Kraljacic, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Ankur Singh, Manish K Jaiswal, 2015, Biomaterials.

A. Melnick, R. Evans, G. Barish, 2012, Cell metabolism.

P. Gendron, K. Borden, B. Culjkovic-Kraljacic, 2023, The EMBO journal.

A. Melnick, Tony Taldone, A. Rodina, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Ankur Singh, A. Melnick, 2015, Biomaterials.

G. Slack, R. Morin, A. Melnick, 2022, Cancer discovery.

A. Melnick, A. Gaharwar, G. Inghirami, 2014, Cellular and molecular bioengineering.

A. Melnick, J. Polo, L. Cerchietti, 2005 .

C. Iadecola, K. Unsicker, V. A. Padow, 2014, The Journal of Neuroscience.

Ashutosh Kumar Singh, A. Melnick, A. Gaharwar, 2014, Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering.

Ryan D. Morin, R. Gascoyne, M. Marra, 2010, The Journal of clinical investigation.