C. Laumer


G. Giribet, R. Kristensen, C. Dunn, 2015, Current Biology.

Harald R. Gruber-Vodicka, J. Marioni, G. Giribet, 2017 .

Aaron T. L. Lun, Daniel J. Gaffney, J. Marioni, 2020, bioRxiv.

K. Kocot, A. Riesgo, M. Sørensen, 2019, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Christopher E Laumer, C. Laumer, 2018, Integrative and comparative biology.

Gonzalo Giribet, Rosa Fernández, Christopher E Laumer, 2014, Molecular biology and evolution.

C. Laumer, S. Kvist, J. Junoy, 2014, Invertebrate Systematics.

Daniel J. Gaffney, J. Marioni, N. Brockdorff, 2021, Nature Biotechnology.

Harald R. Gruber-Vodicka, J. Marioni, M. Hadfield, 2018, bioRxiv.

R. Kristensen, C. Dunn, A. Hejnol, 2017, Current Biology.

Harald R. Gruber-Vodicka, J. Marioni, M. Hadfield, 2018, eLife.