E. Giles


M. Mizokami, Yasuhito Tanaka, G. Minuk, 2006, Journal of Virology.

J. Villeneuve, C. Osiowy, E. Giles, 2008, The Journal of general virology.

M. Drebot, D. Safronetz, C. Ranadheera, 2017, Emerging infectious diseases.

A. Dibernardo, J. Kanji, C. Osiowy, 2021, Journal of Clinical Virology.

N. Budambula, A. Andonov, C. Osiowy, 2016, BMC Infectious Diseases.

K. Kowalec, C. Osiowy, E. Giles, 2016, Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease.

Steven R. Martin, E. Marinier, J. Kanji, 2019, Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition.

M. Drebot, S. Lévesque, G. Gendron-Lepage, 2022, Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada = Journal officiel de l'Association pour la microbiologie medicale et l'infectiologie Canada.