J. Arnoux


A. Stevens, P. de Lonlay, I. Banerjee, 2016, The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism.

F. Brunelle, C. Bellanné-Chantelot, Y. Aigrain, 2011, Orphanet journal of rare diseases.

B. Drénou, S. Coutant, N. Elçioglu, 2021, Journal of Medical Genetics.

L. Christa, C. Barnérias, I. Desguerre, 2018, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

F. Bienaimé, A. Servais, P. de Lonlay, 2021, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

P. van Endert, Y. Hamel, A. Hartemann, 2016, Journal of autoimmunity.

K. Hussain, T. Meissner, J. Arnoux, 2019, Congenital Hyperinsulinism.

C. Bellanné-Chantelot, P. de Lonlay, C. Saint-Martin, 2011, Seminars in pediatric surgery.

J. Kane, M. Balwani, C. Whitley, 2020, Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver.

George Bou-Gharios, A. Milan, R. Imrich, 2022, Scientific Reports.

L. Christa, P. de Lonlay, G. Simard, 2013, The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism.

N. Boddaert, A. Kaminska, B. Chadefaux-Vekemans, 2020, Molecular genetics and metabolism.

P. de Lonlay, A. Brassier, J. Arnoux, 2021, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

A. Munnich, A. Rötig, D. Rabier, 2009, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

V. Rigalleau, C. Moreau, F. Mochel, 2021, Journal of inherited metabolic disease.

R. Barouki, A. Servais, P. de Lonlay, 2015, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

M. Baumgartner, E. Rodrigues, C. Ortez, 2015, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

A. Rötig, P. de Lonlay, F. Mingozzi, 2022, Nature Communications.

A. Laquérriere, P. de Lonlay, J. Bergounioux, 2012, The Journal of pediatrics.

A. Chabli, P. de Lonlay, A. Brassier, 2011, Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie.

A. Munnich, N. Boddaert, F. Brunelle, 2008, Molecular genetics and metabolism.

D. Rabier, A. Servais, C. Ottolenghi, 2013, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

L. Ouss, A. Brassier, J. Bonnefont, 2018, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

R. Barouki, B. Chadefaux-Vekemans, P. de Lonlay, 2015, JIMD reports.

C. Elie, P. de Lonlay, A. Brassier, 2016, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

G. Touati, A. Brassier, C. Ottolenghi, 2014, Journal of child neurology.

N. Boddaert, D. Rabier, I. Desguerre, 2013, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

S. Marret, P. de Lonlay, A. Brassier, 2020, Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie.

M. Baumgartner, R. Lachmann, E. Rodrigues, 2015, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

A. Servais, P. de Lonlay, B. Pigneur, 2020, Molecular genetics and metabolism reports.

J. Kalish, J. Arnoux, 2019, Congenital Hyperinsulinism.

C. Bellanné-Chantelot, K. Hussain, Y. Aigrain, 2014 .

A. Munnich, F. Reyal, J. Steffann, 2021, Journal of inherited metabolic disease.

B. Chadefaux-Vekemans, A. Servais, P. de Lonlay, 2017, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

C. Sempoux, F. Brunelle, M. Ribeiro, 2014 .

R. Salomon, D. Rabier, Y. Aigrain, 2013, Molecular genetics and metabolism.

J. Thalabard, A. Mamoune, C. Bellanné-Chantelot, 2012, European journal of endocrinology.

M. Ribeiro, J. Talbot, C. Bellanné-Chantelot, 2014, Expert review of endocrinology & metabolism.

P. de Lonlay, A. Brassier, S. Renolleau, 2022, Molecular genetics and metabolism.

P. de Lonlay, M. Tajir, J. Arnoux, 2012, European journal of medical genetics.

F. Aubin, J. Arnoux, D. Blanc, 2017, Cutis.

M. Baumgartner, R. Lachmann, E. Rodrigues, 2015, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

P. Auquier, N. Resseguier, P. de Lonlay, 2021, The Journal of pediatrics.

A. Servais, P. de Lonlay, L. Ranganath, 2015, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

C. Sempoux, F. Brunelle, M. Ribeiro, 2010, Early human development.

P. de Lonlay, A. Brassier, S. Renolleau, 2023, Journal of inherited metabolic disease.

G. Touati, A. Brassier, A. Cano, 2017, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

F. Aubin, J. Arnoux, D. Blanc, 2017, Cutis.

A. Chabli, A. Brassier, J. Arnoux, 2011, Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie.

C. Sempoux, F. Jaubert, V. Verkarre, 2010, Journal of Medical Genetics.

A. Laquérriere, P. de Lonlay, J. Bergounioux, 2012, The Journal of pediatrics.

C. Stanley, A. Vella, S. Flanagan, 2023, Hormone Research in Paediatrics.

A. Brassier, M. Aubart, Charles-Joris Roux, 2024, European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society.

A. Rötig, P. de Lonlay, A. Brassier, 2023, Journal of inherited metabolic disease.