M. A. Townsend


M. A. Townsend, M. B. Sandler, 1991 .

M. A. Townsend, D. B. Cherchas, A. Abdelmessih, 1986 .

M. A. Townsend, D. B. Cherchas, A. Abdelmessih, 1985 .

M. A. Townsend, Miles A. Townsend, 1992 .

M. A. Townsend, G. E. Johnson, L. M. Santi, 1982 .

M. A. Townsend, R. Shiavi, R. Shiavi, 1978, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing.

M. A. Townsend, N. M. Schnurr, A. B. Shapiro, 1976 .

M. A. Townsend, Carl R. Knospe, C. Knospe, 1996 .

M. A. Townsend, M. A. Townsend, F. Y. Lam, 1975 .

M. A. Townsend, M A Townsend, A A Seireg, 1973, IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering.

M. A. Townsend, M A Townsend, J Dul, 1984, Journal of biomechanics.

M. A. Townsend, M A Townsend, 1982, Medicine and science in sports and exercise.

M. A. Townsend, Adam Morecki, M. A. Townsend, 1976 .

M. A. Townsend, M. A. Townsend, R. J. Lepofsky, 1976, Medical and biological engineering.

M. A. Townsend, R. Shiavi, S. P. Lainhart, 1978, Electromyography and clinical neurophysiology.