P. Taillardat


T. A. Black, E. Tuittila, P. Blanken, 2020, Nature Climate Change.

D. Murdiyarso, L. Hutley, D. Friess, 2019, Global change biology.

A. Tremblay, M. Garneau, Antonin Prijac, 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

C. Marchand, P. Taillardat, Nguyen Thanh-Nho, 2020, Frontiers in Environmental Science.

T. A. Black, E. Tuittila, P. Moore, 2020, Environmental Research Letters.

Luis Roman Carrasco, L. P. Koh, D. Friess, 2020, Nature Climate Change.

A. Tremblay, M. Garneau, Antonin Prijac, 2023, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.